The Scavenger
Concept art by Dawnknight21
Name: Scavenger
Creature Type: Animal/Predator
Has Soul: Yes
The Scavenger is not unlike its Skyrimian brethren, the sabrecats, in appearance, albeit twice in size with accordingly larger fangs and talons. It has horns protruding from its shoulders and spine. The thick mucus secreting from its steaming maw is mildly corrosive and much more viscous than regular saliva.
Its fur is as white as snow with black stripes. Its eyes are a glowing, bright red. Apart from its four, muscular legs it sports also a tail which is just as muscular, albeit less under its control.
Passive: Super Olfactory Sense:
The Scavenger is capable of picking up various scents from afar. The odor of blood specifically draws it close. Its sense of smell can be thrown off by strong winds however.
The Scavenger swipes with its huge paws, shoving away its enemies to clear a path to its main object of prey or to hobble its adversary.
The Scavenger launches itself, back forward, against its enemy or against an obstacle in order to bring them down. Its protruding horns usually penetrate walls and flesh alike.
The Scavenger bites and chews on its victim, partly digesting it in the process due to its corrosive mucus-like saliva.
The Scavenger attempts to fling approaching enemies away with its muscular tail, albeit with reduced accuracy for the tail isn't completely under its control.
Thorus Blackward and Nephethys first meet this creature from inside a confined space in which they hide from it, not knowing what it is other than that it appears to be one of the reasons as to why the Blind are so frightened.
These creatures are indigenous to the painted world and are genetically unrelated otherworldly cousins to sabrecats. They are predatory lifeforms who are adept at killing and extremely difficult to combat for their ferociousness and agility as well as sheer brute strength.
Most who bear witness to one don't live long enough to tell the tale.
This creature first appears in:
Tales of Darkness - Shape Your Flesh - Episode II: The Painted World of Atebid - Chapter II