This is just something I'm doing for fun, using Take Notes! to journal the adventures of my characters. It'll be pretty rough work, so feedback is greaty appreciated - otherwise, enjoy.
Also, note: all the times seem weirdly close together because tra
A Bard turned Vampiric in the name of musical preservation, she's travelled Tamriel in a quest to make sure no song is ever forgotten, and that journey has now brought her to Skyrim. While her combat skills are lackluster, she can still make it throu
This Green Pact adhering Bosmer associates with a lesser-known cult of Herma-Mora, and she's been sent to serve her god in Skyrim, gathering knowledge to return to the library of Ilmyris in the process. Hiding in the shadows, she manipulates her ene
A Shaman of the Reach blessed by Hircine, she calls on her pack to aid her in combat before turning her enemies against each other. As her magika pools run dry, she invokes a darker form of magic to call upon Hircine's blessings.