Hasir's Discussions (238)

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C.O.T.W Chapter 11: Cult of The Wolf



When Rakel woke up, she yawned and stretched. She looked up at the night sky through the cracks in the boat that served as the

mead hall's ceiling. It's almost nine o'clock She thought. She then glanced over at Hasir who was still sleeping. She punche

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C.O.T.W. Chapter 10: Lame Wolf



Rakel looked around for a way to lift the unconscious argonian and get him somewhere to get fixed up. She called for anyone who

would listen to come and help. The local blacksmith spotted them as he was preparing to smith an iron cuirass. He put down

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C.O.T.W Chapter 9: Broken Fang



Regardless of whether or not it was a trap set up by Vajhira, both of the wolves went in. Once inside, they found themselves in the

antechamber.. When Acallia entered the cave, She noticed that the entry looked like half cave and half stately manor. S

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C.O.T.W Chapter 9: Broken Fang



Regardless of whether or not it was a trap set up by Vajhira, both of the wolves went in. Once inside, they found themselves in the

antechamber.. When Acallia entered the cave, She noticed that the entry looked like half cave and half stately manor. S

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C.O.T.W Chapter 8: The Four Totems



Vajhira eyed them nervously, after a while, she emerged from behind them and became rather frank with them.

"Look, if you are feeling uncomfortable or otherwise want to back out for any reason, please, tell me and I will let you step aside

while we con

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C.O.T.W. Chapter 7: A Fish Out Of Water



When Hasir, Itansehk and Quinchal stepped out of the portal, they found themselves, once again, in Inigo's cell back in Riften.

Hasir walked casually over to Rakel,who was sitting on one of the wooden chair while Inigo sat in the other. Hasir cleared

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C.O.T.W Chapter 6: A Tale of Murkmire



Hasir shook off his negative thoughts of himself and his mind snapped back to the dire situation that he was in. Just then, he

remembered something. He had not seen Ma'kara with him he turned to Quinchal.

"Quinchal, where is Ma'kara? Why is she not wit

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C.O.T.W Chapter 5: A Caged Animal



The portal that Quinchal thought would lead he back to Tamriel dumped him instead in front of a large daedric building that looked

far more intimidating that the peaceful pagodas he knew back home. This building was carved out of cold blue-grey rock a

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C.O.T.W Chapter 4: Daring Rescue



Rakel and Moonman saw the events that unfolded after they had heard the introductory conversation between Inigo and Hasir. 

They stepped out from behind the pillar that stood five feet from Inigo's cell, approached the cell and were about to open the


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C.O.T.W Chapter 3 Wolf Kin



Once inside the building, Ma'kara looked over to see that Hasir had stopped, frozen in place with a grimace of pain etched on his

reptilian face. Hasir staggered backwards, slumped against a nearby wall and slid down it, breathing heavily.


Ma'kara loo

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C..O.T.W Chapter 2: Shipwrecked



Despite Quinchal wanting the black wolf to be a figment of his imagination; unfortunatelly it had no been, it was all to real. They

both had difficult transformations into their original bodies, but Hasir had a far harder time as he was laying a few f

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C.o.t.W Chapter 1: A Matter of Honor



Tulen felt like iron bands were being tightened around his chest and the invisible bars got tighter with every breath he took, so he

so he tried not to breathe. He spun through nothingness for what seemed, to him, like an eternity. Every so often, the

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B.O.T.B Lupine Part 5 Icy Indifference



The two nords gasped. They told Majni that they knew nothing about this 'unholy union'. The male Nord walked towards the mouth

of the tent. Akar asked him where he was going.

"I am going to consult with Hircine and see if he knows anything of this 'unh

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B.O.T.B Lupine Part 4: A Foreshadowing Note



When the light brown wolf made it to the rocky outcrop, he turned back into a Nord and saw Akar sitting around a fire that seemed

not to be bothered by the cold. Majni approached him, smiling,

"Nice day out, isn't it?" He asked with a small grin. "Ho

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B.O.T.B Lupine Part 3 FIve Finger Discount



Majni's wolf form continued forward as the spiders scurried down from their webs, landed on him and attempted to bite every inch of

him as they deemed him an intruder in their caves. The grey wolf managed to shake off the many spiders on top of him. T

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B.O.T.B Lupine Part 1 Pack Law



Majni returned to their tent with baby Rakel and layed her down on a small fur while he settled himself into his own fured bedroll.

Rakel continued crying while Rakel tried to came her down. He started humming a luuaby to the little nord so she would

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