NecromantPlayer posted a discussion in Skyrim Character Building
Hello everyone, I finally after a long time banging my head against a wall, I managed to think of a build, first of all, this build is just fun, because it's very weak, well that's it, hope you like it!OverwiewThe adept of madness, is more than…
Jan 15, 2022
NecromantPlayer posted a discussion in Skyrim Character Building
THE MASTER NIGHTINGALE    Olá a todos, este é meu primeiro build na comunidade, então peço desculpas se ficar um pouco confuso e genérico, vou tentar melhorar, e desculpe pelo meu inglês, não é minha língua nativa e não sou fluente. "Por pilhagem…
Dec 20, 2021
NecromantPlayer replied to Ponty's discussion Guide to Character Building in Skyrim Character Building
"Thank you very much! I am planning to start posting Builds here, but I didn't know how to do it, once again, Thank you"
Dec 20, 2021


Rio De Janeiro

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Viewing Skyrim Builds

What Elder Scrolls games have you played?

Skyrim and ESO

What Fallout games have you played?


Do you get to the Cloud District often?

Just to piss off Balgruuf


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