Skyrim Build - The Ultimate Duelist - Nimble Warrior Build

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Most agile warrior I could have come up with. Go slash something. Mods used in making of this video: (No mods required to complete the build) Hammerfell - Sh...


  • Very clever mechanics in this build. You may not have the subscriber count to show it, but I feel you're a cut above a lot of folks who make these character build videos. Your builds demonstrate a more advanced understanding of the game than the typical player.

    You should take a look at some of the builds in our Skyrim Character Building group. You might find some inspiring ideas for your next builds. 

    • Man, I know some of the builds here. The older ones mainly, it's been some time since I last lurked this site, but as I told you in the YT comments, I learned a lot about Skyrim here and on Tamriel Vault.

      I remember your intiguing nickname from the time I had nothing to play Skyrim on, so I went for aquiring theoretical knowlege about it on the Interwebs. So you contributed to my videos without knowing it, without me knowing it even :)

      As for subscriber count, I started the YT thingy about 6 weeks ago, so I am not worried about the numbers... Yet :)

      Thanks for your builds, man, and see you around.


  • This is badass.

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