Channel your inner Alduin with this mace and shield warrior. Mods Required: LE: Summermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim -
Skyrim Build - The World Eater - Possessed by Alduin Character Build
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Very nice. This looks like it’s be an exciting sword and board play through.
It was a blast. I coulnd't get the video out because I wanted to "play-test" the build more and more. I played it for much longer than it was needed for the video, I mean.
We should do a collaboration between this site and your channel one day. In the mean time have you checked out our discord chat? There’s lots of other skyrim youtubers there and we often trade advice and encouragement.
I would check your discord I ever had time and some peace of mind to get onto all this stuff. Right now I'm just working and pumping out videos :) I will be there at some point, I am sure.
And for the collab, sure, whenever you feel like it. Some build maybe? Or a set of builds.
Very nice. I don’t typicallt care much for sword and board warriors but this has changed my mind.
I always have a lot of fun with warrior builds, sword and shield or others. There's just so much other stuff to try, I rarely get a moment to go back to warriors. But it's been my personal tradition to have a sword and shield guy as myvery first character for every elder scrolls game I play.