Skyrim Builds: The Windhelm Butcher (Showcase Build)

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TZ possibly made the creepiest and best CB vid ever!


  • Loved this vid. Any idea what TZ is up to these days? He kind of just dropped off the map one day never to be heard from again.

  • So, where's the actual character build part? I just saw a four minute long video of a genaric serial killer slitting about four peoples throats.
    • I think you missed the story of the video completely. There is a narrative here.

      • Oh and this was an old vid made by a guy who helped me with character build spotlights way back in the TSB days. It shows what the build itself talked about but in a dramatic and story/RP-driven way.

        • Still ain't really a showcase, just a series of events with some spoopy backround music.
          • "Spoopy"? But yea, I agree with you.
            • Yeah bruh, you've never spoopy before?
              • Yeah, I remember spooping myself the other day.
                • Now that sounds like an interesting story.
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