The Fireheart Raider | Episode 45: The Cairn | Skyrim Requiem

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Harald Fireheart, a magically-armored Nord warrior who's never found a sword too long for him, continues his adventures in the unforgiving world of Skyrim Requiem, dropping foes and breaking bows with his mighty blade. This episode sees him journey with Serana into the nightmarish Soul Cairn, fight his way past a small army of armed skeletal husks and the deadly Slighted Daedra, locate Serana's necromancer mother Valerica, convince her to help by providing the next Elder Scroll, wade through more Slighted and skeletons while struggling not to lose his way, bring down two of the three Boneyard Keepers, powerful and well-armed corrupted souls who control the magical barrier trapping Valerica in the Cairn's central fortress, and set off to defeat the third, while keeping an eye out for Durnehviir, a particularly powerful dragon said to be prowling nearby.

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