The Fireheart Raider | Episode 46: Qahnaarin | Skyrim Requiem

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Harald Fireheart, a magically-armored Nord warrior who's never found a sword too long for him, continues his adventures in the unforgiving world of Skyrim Requiem, dropping foes and breaking bows with his mighty blade. This episode sees him continue fighting through the Soul Cairn with Serana, bring down the last of the strange undead Keepers to gain access to Valerica in the central fortress, take on Durnehviir, the imprisoned dragon guardian of the fortress and a powerful necromancer in his own right, retrieve the final Elder Scroll from Valerica, have a long talk with Durnehviir after Harald's victory in their fight, tentatively agree to help the dragon gain some freedom from his imprisonment in the Soul Cairn, and step back through the portal with Serana to return to Castle Volkihar, to their great relief.

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