The Fireheart Raider | Episode 50: Guardian | Skyrim Requiem

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Harald Fireheart, a magically-armored Nord warrior who's never found a sword too long for him, continues his adventures in the unforgiving world of Skyrim Requiem, dropping foes and breaking bows with his mighty blade. This episode sees him gather the Dawnguard alongside Serana, set off to Castle Volkihar to confront Harkon and his vampire clan, carve their way through the vampires to reach Harkon himself, defeat the vampire lord in an intense battle using the power of Auriel's Bow, bid his farewells to Serana and the Dawnguard as they continue their work, distribute his Elder Scrolls to Dexion and the College of Winterhold for safekeeping, hear about another two active dragon priests, hunt down the first of the pair after fighting through treasure hunters, Draugr, and spiders in its lair at Volskygge, and charge off towards the other lair at the ruins of Forelhost, hoping to put a permanent end to the last remnants of the Dragon Cult.

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