Welcome to the General Discussion Group. This is a catch-all group for any kind of discussion whether is has anything to do with elder scrolls, fallout, or video games in general or not. Discuss whatever you want here, but please observe our ground rules.
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Way back when I first played Skyrim I was under the assumption that everyone balanced their builds for legendary difficulty. So I would craft grind weapons to 200+ attack damage, and even went as high as 400+ attack damage one time.
The second time, inspired by one of DMC's difficulty settings I crafted a weapon with three digits worth of damage stat, and my goal was "I die in one hit and so do the enemies" kind of thing.
Skyrim is just too easy. I destroy everything in my path with ease. Oblivion, however, I play below half the difficulty slider. Didn't I deviate off the topic too much?
BTW, I love the tags.
I used the Oghma Infinium Glitch.
...that's about it. I don't think that counts.