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The Outer Worlds

Image result for outer worlds


Has anyone had a chance to play this game yet? If so I'd like to know your thoughts on it. Did you enjoy it? Would you recommend it to others? Does it have potential for character building. and if so is it a game you'd like to see receive the same attention we give to TES and Fallout?


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  • I think this is a great question to be asking. I've not played it yet myself but from what I've seen of it, it certainly looks as though it has plenty of potential to be great for creating builds and characters in. Having this on the site would certainly help to capitalize on what is still presumably a gap in the market. I have had similar thoughts RE Cyberpunk when that drops, I'd be definantly keen to promote content for that in the Misc games section too.

  • I'd say it is amazing. While i do wish it had a bit "more" what we got is awesome. I'd say it has quite the potential for building, with all the combos you can do

  • I’m on the fence about it. It’s a great game that has a lot of potential but it leaves me feeling this sense of lacking not unlike what I felt with Fallout 4 before it’s dlc. Maybe that’s just it. Maybe the game just needs dlc to reach its full potential. 

    • The replay value is what I’m most concerned with. I felt the same way you did with Fallout 4. Bought it pretty soon after it launched and found it lacking. It’d be months before I’d touch the game again after beating it the first time. 

      Skyrim on the other hand has kept me playing since 2013. 

      • Aye that I can agree with too, concerning FO4. I've played it a fair bit but not nearly as much as Skyrim. 

        • Fairr, I mean, it DOES have a smaller budget than most Obsidian games, and I DID find a fair bit of replayability in FO4 and Outer Worlds, but yee. 

  • It's a fun yet fairly short game for an RPG. The combat and general gameplay isn't much to rave about but there's plenty of interesting characters and dialogue stands out as the real saving grace. There's some replayability although not as much as you can get from a game like Skyrim. 

    I've already started on character builds and I'll post my first (The Sole Sniper) after this comment for anyone who's interested in seeing a spoiler free character build.

    • I thank you for posting that video. I think seeing a build in action and the multitude of options you considered in its creation was just the motivation I needed to give this game a try. 

  • I've had several playthroughs of the game and can wholeheartedly reccomend it. There is entertaining dialogue and character traits that matter and there are dozens of unique items with uique models. I'm looking at you, Vizage of Mzund,  Red Eagle's Bane and every single thane weapon. It definitely has potential for character building, due to attributes that matter, giving you realisitic advantages and disadvantages. I'd think it'd be great if we had a section for outer worlds builds on here.

  • I've played the game a bit. I can tell you that it has a place in the Forge, but not right now. While the game is amazing, it seems kind of a test for upcoming games that Obsidian is making. But it feels like a proper sequel to New Vegas. I know I'm new on the Forge, but my vote would be to wait and see if there's any DLC coming.

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