Prelude: This build is the result of several different concepts thrown together to try and create something that doesnt inherently restrict what I might want to do in the game while also having an actual character to play as. From Oblivions Grey Prince to Jekyl and Hyde
The Story
The door of the Frozen Hearth swung open with a quiet creek. In a tavern like the Bannered Mare nobody would have noticed the hooded man enter but there was rarely a traveller around here, especially at this time of night, so the innkeeper Dagur took notice immediately. He directed a silent nod to the hooded man but did not recieve one in return, the man simply walked towards him and took a seat at the bar.
"Strange" thought Dagur. "He wears full heavy armor yet is as quiet as a mouse, illusion magic must be, but why?"
The hooded man turned to look at him and Dagur was immediately taken aback for what he saw was by all accounts an orc, but not quite. The most obvious thing was his skin which instead of the distinctive green was instead a vivid grey, like he was infused with ash. His eyes were a vibrant red with diamond shaped pupils, it felt like they could burn through steel. His hair was dark and rough, his face adorned with a week or two of stubble. If it wasn't for those iconic tusks protruding from his mouth it is likely he would be mistaken for a dark elf
Dagur realised that he was staring and quickly broke the silence
"What can I get you?" he asked, attempting to hide the shock in his voice
"A mead, thanks" the orc responded, he seemed either unaware or uncaring of Dagurs spooked expression as he grabbed a bottle from under the counter and passed it to the orc
"So, what brings you all the way to Winterhold?" asked Dagur. He already knew what the orc would say, the only reason someone comes to this forgotten hold is the College. It is about the only thing left anyway
"I think you already know that innkeeper. Yes I seek the prestigious college of winterhold but in truth I seek it less to improve my skills and more to escape" spoke the orc, a twinge of remorse escaped his lips
"Escape!?" Dagur thought to himself. "Is he some sort of fugative?".
Before he could inquire the door to the inn flew open with much greater ferocity than when the orc had entered. Two men appeared, clad in iron armor and furs, with especially sharp looking axes at their hips. They did not look particularly friendly and seemed fixated on the very orc sitting in front of the innkeeper. The orc remained seemingly unaware as the men approached him from behind. The silence was broken as one spoke
Thorash, who Dagur assumed was the orc in question, quietly exhaled before standing from the bar to turn towards the mercenaries
"I take it you were sent for this?" He raised his right hand revealing a golden ring with a gemstone embedded within. It looked exquisite and exquisitely expensive.
"So, a thief, I should have known" Dagur thought. He dared not move however, the mercenaries looked dangerous and he feared he could be mistaken for an accomplice
"That would be the one" the other mercenary responded, "Once we're done teaching you a lesson we'll be taking it back"
"Of course, except I hope we can all leave here without bloodshed" Thorash responded
The mercenaries exchanged a quick chuckle at the request
"No, I think we will leave here with bloodshed, yours"
What happened next occured so fast that Dagur could have blinked and missed it, he however did not. Thorash raised his hands at a lightning fast speed and flicked them towards the mercenaries. In an instant they turned rigid like a statue, their hands halfway from pulling their axes from the sheath. Thorash then created another gesture with his right hand and a dagger unlike anything Dagur had seen before appeared out of thin air. With a swift slash the throats of both mercenaries were slit and they fell backwards still rigid as a mannequin. Dagur opened his mouth to cry for help but with another flick from his Thorash's right hand, Dagur's mouth would not utter a sound
Thorash turned again to the aghast Dagur and left a pouch of septims on the counter
"I'm sorry you had to see that, as I said I needed to escape" He gestured to the two men on the ground, the rigidness had seemingly worn off now. "I'll get rid of the bodies but I ask you keep quiet about this. I don't think I need to emphasise what will happen if you talk"
Dagur nodded, it became apparent to him that he was trembling on the spot and he tried to calm his nerves, he could not however. He was utterly terrified of the man who stood before him
Thorash flicked his hand again, finally returned the nod to the innkeeper and opened the door once more, carrying the mercenaries bodies away with him. The door closed silently with the only indication of what had gone down being locked forever in Dagurs head
This character was built on my modlist Little Bit of Everything (LBOE) however you do not strictly speaking need to use it and only need the following:
The following are recommended but not required:
The Character
Name: Thorash
Race: Orsimer/Dunmer Hybrid
Thorash is primarily an orsimer and as such has 50 more health and 50% more health regeneration. His Dunmer heritage does not provide any racial bonuses but does influence his character in other ways
Class: Sorcerer
Standing Stone: Apprentice
Stat Distribution Ratio
1 : 1 : 1
Major Skills
- Illusionist (2/2)
- Captivating Presence (2/2)
- Indomitable Will (2/2)
- Master of the Mind (2/2)
- Howl of Rage
- Summoner (2/2)
- Arcane Binding
- Chaos Binding (2/2)
- Mystic Binding (2/2)
- Curse Binding
Heavy Armor
- Defender (2/2)
- Conditioning (2/2)
- Immovable
- Constitution (2/2)
- Invincible
- Juggernaut
- Unstoppable
- Perfect Fit
- Defiance
Minor Skills
One Handed/Two Handed
- Pick whatever skills benefit your preferred bound weapon
Smithing (Optional)
- Craftsman (2/2)
- Basic Smithing
- Journeyman Smithing
- Intermediate Smithing
- Advanced Smithing
- Mythic Smithing
Enchanting (Optional)
- Artificer (2/2)
- Armor Enchanter
- Jewelry Enchanter
- Corpus Enchanter
- Insightful Enchanter
- Twin Secrets
Equipment + Spells
Seek to get the best heavy armor available as you progress through the game. If you also invested into smithing perks you can craft an armor set. Ideally it should be:
Steel -> Dwarven -> Orchish -> Ebony -> Dragon
Any jewelry that benefits Illusion, Conjuration or Heavy Armor is advised. If you invested into enchanting perks you can do this to your own armor as well
- Frenzy
- Fury
- Muffle
- Rage
- Paralyze
- Chameleon
- Shroud
- Wrath
- Immobilize
- Frenzy Rune
- Paralyze Rune
- Invisibility
- Mayhem
- Debilitation
- Ghostwalk
- Sanctuary
- Bound Dagger
- Soul Trap (Optional)
- Bound Sword
- Bound War Axe
- Bound Mace
- Bound Shield
- Bound Greatsword
- Bound Battleaxe
- Bound Warhammer
- Bound Bow
- Soul Harvest (Optional)
The general main approach with Thorash is that he will try to soften up the fight before charging in. Frenzy and similar spells are paramount to this approach as it weakens his enemies. Muffle and similar spells can help with sneaking around and inflicting frenzy on enemies without being detected. Paralyze and similar spells can help take the pressure off Thorash when fighting
When he does get into combat Thorash makes use of his arsenal of bound weapons. In the story he does use a bound dagger but it is up to you which bound weapon you'd like to use
As a side note when creating Thorash he doesnt have any distinctive features outside of his signature grey skin and red eyes. If you want you could even play as a female Thorash, it does not really matter
Main Quest
Though wary at first, Thorash realised that the dragon threat was the biggest threat to Tamriel and decides to step up as the last dragonborn. After all, there are no other dragonborn alive currently (Or so he knows)
The split personality of Thorash could allow him to side with either the Dawnguard or Clan Volkihar
Miraak is dangerous, that much is immediately apparent to Thorash and so he should be dealt with. The dark realm of Apocrypha though could hold useful knowledge provided he doesnt fall prey to the schemes of Hermaeus Mora
Civil War
While he was not particularly caring of the empire, Thorash knew the prejudice that would await him and his mer-kin should the stormcloaks prove victorious, as would the Dominion when the war inevitably resumed. He promptly would sign up with the Empire to secure his future
College of Winterhold
The college would be an excellent safe haven to hide away from any wrongdoings Thorash had done while also allowing him to build up his magical abilities
Thieves Guild
On occasion Thorash feels the utmost urge to take that which is not his, especially if it is lucrative
The Dark Brotherhood
Murder is preferrably a last resort for Thorash, but perhaps with the right circumstances and mind this becomes irrelevant
The Companions
Thorash isn't particularly fond of being bound to Hircine forever and will seek to cure his lycanthropy once he has helped the companions with their troubles against the Silver Hand
Gotta say, pretty well done. Just a note, mayhaps add images and such to break up the text
I'll consider it thanks!
It's nice to see a Simonrim build. Where do the apothecary and gourmet mods fit in?
They're more to just complement the other simonrim mods, not mandatory obviously