Rylorien liked Tae-Rai's discussion Character Build: The Vigilant in Skyrim Character Building
Jul 6
Rylorien liked Raid's discussion Character Build: The Crusader in Skyrim Character Building
Jun 10
Rylorien replied to Furrion 17's discussion Character Build: The Witch Arrow (Ordinator) in Skyrim Character Building
"There is a Simonrim mod called Natura as well. It adds Druid-themed spells to all magic trees, but if you use destruction spells you need another mod to strengthen the spells using perks. But I like the other spells that the mod adds, and it can be…"
Jun 9
Rylorien liked Shadon's discussion Character Build: The Chameleon in Skyrim Character Building
May 28
Rylorien replied to Rylorien's discussion WIP Event Build: Amergin, Ancient Druid and Bard in Skyrim Character Building
"Yesterday, I really fleshed out the build, but didn't save my work. Sigh. Starting over . ..
I don't feel like I'm making sense with the prologue and getting the background of an Argonian correctly."
May 15
Rylorien liked Hasir's discussion Character Build: The Serpent of Eden in Skyrim Character Building
May 11
Rylorien posted a discussion in Skyrim Character Building
I'm not sure if Gordon Ramsay is a historical figure, so it won't be entered into the event!  This build is just for silly fun, and great to roleplay--and so far, very viable.Gordon Ramsay is a famous British chef, known for his Michelin-starred…
May 9
Rylorien liked Henson's discussion Character Build: The Kook in Skyrim Character Building
May 6
Rylorien replied to Rylorien's discussion WIP Event Build: Amergin, Ancient Druid and Bard in Skyrim Character Building
"Thanks, Chris!  Consider this my entry into the event. 😁"
May 4
Rylorien posted a discussion in Skyrim Character Building
Update:  added many details, but I've been unable to really play my character, so much of this build is theory.  Who knew how long it takes for a detailed build?  It's like writing a research paper!  I'm recovering from major spinal surgery, and I'm…
May 3
Rylorien liked Oivey's discussion Character Build: The Lord in Yellow in Skyrim Character Building
Apr 27
Rylorien replied to Chris Diokno's discussion Character Building Event: Historia in Skyrim Character Building
"I've decided to go with the berserker, skald and sorcerer Egill Skallagrimsson. Egill
Should be fun, a Nord Viking who is a poet and farmer on the side. I plan to use the anniversary edition of Skyrim. "
Apr 21
Rylorien liked Chris Diokno's discussion Character Building Event: Historia in Skyrim Character Building
Apr 21
Rylorien liked Paragon8134's discussion Event Build: Boudica - Lost Queen in Skyrim Character Building
Apr 21
Rylorien replied to Paragon8134's discussion Event Build: Boudica - Lost Queen in Skyrim Character Building
"If you use mods, Alternate Start lets you begin as a Forsworn. The statue is carrying a spear, which would be fun to use as a backup to her bow. "
Apr 21
Rylorien replied to Chris Diokno's discussion Character Building Event: Historia in Skyrim Character Building
"That build is nearly 10 years old. I wouldn't let it hold you back!"
Apr 20

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