entropist (11)

Event Build : Y'Golonac




Her mother died, they killed her yesterday…. This place had never been welcoming, but this night, it was worse. Above the usual bodily odors, the putrid smell of rotten flesh was floating around the girl. Instead of the disturbing yet familiar voice

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Event Build - The Void Maiden

10171311480?profile=RESIZE_710xA Conjuration/Battlemage experience

For those of you who aren’t fond of big reads or prefer the gameplay driven details. I’ll post a condensed version at the bottom outlining gameplay beats and what to expect while playing the Void Maiden


"And may

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6 Replies · Reply by nystee Apr 13, 2022

Character Build: The Rotting Beast


"She came to me that night as I lay rotting in the swamps, the hackwings circling above. Her words were the maggots eating away dead flesh from my wounds, the pus forming to fight my infection. She spoke the truths I was too afraid to see.

Perhaps th

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19 Replies · Reply by nystee Apr 1, 2022