LordAsbel liked Ponty's discussion Character Build: The Arcane Marksman in Skyrim Character Building
Feb 23, 2020
LordAsbel liked Ponty's discussion Contest Build: The Lamp Descendant in Skyrim Character Building
Feb 23, 2020
LordAsbel replied to Ponty's discussion Contest Build: The Lamp Descendant in Skyrim Character Building
"Woah ponty dropping a new build??! Didn't think I'd see the day! Great job, this looks really interesting!"
Feb 23, 2020
LordAsbel liked Elysium's discussion Character Build: The Squib in Skyrim Character Building
Feb 16, 2020
LordAsbel liked Ponty's discussion Character Build: The Soulknife in Skyrim Character Building
Feb 16, 2020
LordAsbel is now a member of THE SKY FORGE
Feb 16, 2020

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    The Welcome Thread
    Come on in and don't be shy. Nobody here bites....at least I dont think they do anyway. Here is a space for new comers to introduce themselves and fo…
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Columbia, SC

How did you find this community?

Originally came from the Skyrim Blog. I discovered that from Ponty's priest build. Now I'm here from Ponty's youtube channel

What Elder Scrolls games have you played?

Oblivion, Skyirm, ESO, a few minutes of Arena lol

What Fallout games have you played?

New Vegas and Fallout 4

Do you get to the Cloud District often?

No, sorry Nazeem. This is why I kill you with the console every time.


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