Currently am patiently waiting to join this community. Have been a lurker for years now, always thought about making my own official build but now feel like im ready to do so. Skyrim game time 1000+ hours, currently enjoying nexusmods collections feature, best thing ever imo.
"I'll keep that in mind for the next build, I apprecitate the feedback. I do agree. It could've been much neater and I'm still unsure of my decision of not specifying builds. I think with my next build I'll make things a little more concrete, and…"
"Just finished mine, would appreciate if you added it"
Prologue "I’m going to cause a distraction. When the guards arrive, run child. Remember what I taught you. Don’t underestimate the power of magic. Go to Whiterun. There you'll find Jorrvaskr. They can't harm you there. No one. Not even the Thalmor…
"I'd like to participate! Have been working on something for a little while now."
How did you find this community?
What Elder Scrolls games have you played?
Skyrim, and a little bit of ESO (Sub 10 hours)
What Fallout games have you played?
Do you get to the Cloud District often?
stfu nazeem
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