A fairy ordinary person, all things considered. Always interested in hearing about new builds and testing my own.
"Oh, okay. Is that the Mage Grip mod that comes with the OP draining spells that make your character gradually go blind? I've experimented with that mod (XBox One) and thoughtit was pretty fun. Nice to have a Vampire Grip esque spell that actually…"
Just started Morrowind for the first time as a Khajiit monk using Unarmored and Hand-to-Hand. First battle, I get the stuffing kicked out of me by a Kwama Forager. Something tells me I need to rethink my strategy.
"I have to say, that pic you posted is intriguing. Are you using the Vampiric Grip in human form glitch, with some kind of AoE Absorb Health spell?"
"Now that sounds interesting. It's so rare to see any of the more obscure Obvlivion stealth classes, like Acrobat and Agent, get any love. Excited to see what you come up with."
"I agree that the 5/5 perks are kind of lame and much preferred the Ordinator 2/2, but the rest of Vokrii is so perfectly pared-down pared down that I can overlook it pretty easily.
Some kind of monk build is next on the agenda for me as well;…"
Some kind of monk build is next on the agenda for me as well;…"
This is my first discussion post here, so let me just take this opportunity to say hello. Very excited to be here, this site has a lot of really interesting builds.
Has anyone here experimented at all with the new Vokrii perk overhaul? I really like…
Has anyone here experimented at all with the new Vokrii perk overhaul? I really like…
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Anchorage, AK
How did you find this community?
Quite pleasant, thank you.
What Elder Scrolls games have you played?
Oblivion and Skyrim; currently playing Morrowind for the first time.
What Fallout games have you played?
Fallout 3 was okay, I guess.
Do you get to the Cloud District often?
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Welcome to The Skyforge! I can't wait to see your work!
Greetings, sera. Welcome to the Sky Forge.