How to make Skyrim look Not-so-Next Gen. A Surprisingly amazing Skyrim Graphics Overhaul

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The Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim's vanilla textures aren't exactly the greatest. Thankfully, retextures and ENBs are able to bring the game's visuals to modern sta...


  • I was interested in this retexture because it looked pretty good and it could increase performance, but it's still a WIP that isn't going to be updated very much anymore so that sucks.

  • This reminds me. There's quite a few texture down grade mods and quite a few ways to tweak ini settings to accommodate low end computers. My crappy laptop with its intel 4000 graphics card can comfortably run skyrim between 40 to 50 fps. But some of the textures make the game look like Bethesda re released skyrim for the PlayStation 2.
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