Morrowind Superfast Pacifist Run

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This game is so broken.

In fact, I'm considering going for a pacifist run myself. A normal-paced one.




  • I don’t think I can do pacifist runs... killing is most of the fun for me.

    • Yeah, sure, we're all murderous sick bastards. But pacifist runs feel more innovative, y'know? Kind of a more sophisticated treat. I have attempted to do this in FNV, but failed already in Goodsprings (starting location). So I guess I'll be kind of making up for it in Morrowind.

  • My respect goes to anyone who can handle Morrowwind's outdated graphics and gameplay. I simply can't.

    • As I see it, gameplay doesn't age, only graphics. I myself don't care about graphics much. But for those who do, there's an abundance of graphical mods free for taking.

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