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I spent years trying to create a good build back in the day, but I never came up with a single good, original concept. Nowadays when I play TES games I avoid building at all - roleplaying out a character's journey and interactions with the world is so much more interesting to me than grinding for perk points and fast travelling all over the map to pick up a prescribed set of gear.
Ok, interesting. Because that's not my perception of what a build is/should be at all. Perhaps you just haven't found the right one. Thanks for the reply.
People want that journey aspect to their character builds, though. Not a lot of people enjoy power leveling and grinding. They want a character that builds up naturally to their peak rather than characters that require dozens of hours of grinding before theyre playable.
Sometimes, even the most basic of knights or rangers can be interesting
Yeah that's my perception of how most builds are done.
Hell, I've seen quite a few builds that DO take a character on a journey of sorts, with stages and shit
Well, you know I do Pix, excited for next month's Event
For me I enjoy playing the works of others over the pressures of creating something original on my own.
Ah so it's pressure related. Interesting. Thanks for the reply.
I'm not quite sure why I haven't created a build yet. I started a few months ago, but found the post format a little daunting for some reaason. Perhaps I should give it another go.