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Do You Make Character Builds?

Hey, it's Pixel. I wanted to post this discussion to help answer a question I've been mulling over recently: why don't people make character builds? Now I understand we have a good number of solid builders here on the Forge, but we also have a larger number of people who don't post builds at all, and also aren't active in the Character Builing group. I'm just wondering what keeps people from making builds. I'm looking for answers specifically from people who don't build at all.

Here's a few clarifying questions. Does the prospect of writing seem daunting to you? Are you afraid it won't be good enough/comparable to builds already posted? Are you afraid your build will be unoriginal? Or are you just plain uninterested? My goal in creating this post is really to gauge how many people want to make builds but feel like the shouldn't or can't motivate themselves to do so for some reason or another so that we can see about overcoming some of those obstacles to expand our buildng community. Thanks in advance for your responses!

You need to be a member of THE SKY FORGE to add comments!


Email me when people reply –


    • Easiest way to get around all that is to copy and paste the entirety of a build who’s format you like and simply replace all the text and images with your own stuff. 

    • Definitely do, if you feel up to it. If making a format seems daunting, I'll recommend the same thing to you that I recommend to all new builders: just read other peoples' builds and you can pretty much copy/paste a format and fill in the applicable info for your build. Then as you get more comfortable start adapting it to your own style. 

      • Oh wait didn't see what Curse had already posted sorry :D

  • Even though I recently posted a build, I still feel the same in regards to posting builds because I'm not exactly satisfied with what I came up with. There are a few things that hinder me from creating a build: writing it in a way that's creative and engaging, finding suitable pictures that represent the build well, and coming up with a new idea or even presenting an old one in a way that is unique. I'd say it's a balance of these three main concerns along with some minor concerns that hold me back from creating builds.

    • I think the thing to remember about that is that most people are hypercritical of their own work. I almost gave up on my Ghost of New Life build for the Xmas event but it was very well recieved and everyone told me they really liked it. So I mean I think just posting it and getting feedback is the best way to go here. A lot of people on the Forge provide meaningful feedback that can help you get better too. And of course a build is never set in stone. You can always go back and edit it. 

  • Very new to the Forge, but I've been a lurker here for a long time. Honestly, it's the lore portion that intimidates me the most. Like if I tried to create something that it wouldn't quite fit in the realm properly or something!

    • If you want to try creating I myself or many of our other members would be happy to lore-check it for you. 

      • Cool. I think I'll give it a go soon!

        • Awesome. BTW if you want a resource for isntant feedback and just a general hangout for the community head over to the official Discord server of the Skyforge. There's a link on the main page of the Forge. Just click the discord logo.

  • I don't know how to post but I've got a bunch of fully fleshed out characters ready I'm new and was looking for a place to post but can't figure out how to here need help

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