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Favorite Divine or Daedric Prince?

What are your favorite Daedric Princes and Divines?. I personally like Nocturnal, Clavicus Vile, Sheogorath and Hermaues Mora. Reason for this because they're mostly not that catastrophic like the other ones, for example, Mehrunes Dagon, Molag Bal, Vaermina, and Namira.
For Divines, well i'm a Thalmor Dude so Talos is a no go straight away. I personally like Mara and Stendarr, i hate Dibella.
So what are your Favorite Divines and Daedric Princes? Please let me know in the comments.

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  • I'm curious to know why you dislike Dibella in particular. 

    • Haelga, the owner of Haelga's bunkhouse just ruins her for me.

      • That one Dibella quest in Markarth is pretty fun. 

  • Boethia. 

  • Hermaeus Mora is pretty legit.

  • Molag Bal, Mehrune Dagon & Jyggalag, I like them for they are the most powerful of all the Daedric Lords/Princes 


  • Personally, my favorite Daedric Princes is Sheogorath because I believe he's not all he seems to be, if you read the accounts of his encounters with other Daedric Princes he always wins whatever bet is placed in front of him, not to mention that Skyrim's Sheogorath is actually your character from Oblivion, which leads to my theory that Sheogorath's maddness is acutually just humanity's spirit made manifest.

    For Divines, Stendar...Idk why...just do, he seems like the kind of divine most people would fall on when they face very difficult times.   

  • I don’t have a favorite divine, but Molag Bal is my favorite Daedric prince. He’s absolutely bad ass in ESO.

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