I'm just a crazy college student, that barely knows English. And has been playing elder scrolls games for what feels like an eternity. Heh. Sorry if I dont post much. I have lot of work.
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Stockholm Sweden
How did you find this community?
I love the elder scrolls and I wanted to find people that love it as well. Simple.
What Elder Scrolls games have you played?
Skyrim Oblivion Morrowind
What Fallout games have you played?
Fallout 4
Do you get to the Cloud District often?
No I'm a filthy beggar. Jk I'm the thane of every hold. Bow to your superior!
Earned points: 95
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Pirates of Tamriel - Contest Gold

Welcome to the Skyforge!
Good effort but that doesn’t belong in the comment section of your page. It’s gotta be posted with the other character builds here:
Saggs. Khajiit merchant build.
Saggs is a fifty year old khajiit female who is very salty and hates everything. When she was born she had a resting b*tch face and her parents decided to put her up for adoption because of that. The owner of the orphanage was some old crone that abused the children, saggs decided to escape at 8 years old. One year later she decided to become a entrepreneur, she scammed everyone in the Imperial City she was then hit with a chair and she went into a coma for 42 years when she woke up in a river. She decided to go to Skyrim to scam everyone of their money. Then she was caught on the border trying to sell skooma to stormcloaks. She is called saggs because she is a old gray angry looking saggy khajiit.
occupation: every guild, she wants to scam everyone
Skills: speech; one handed, alchemy, and illusion
Friends: no one
equipment: best daggers you can find the spells she uses is frenzy and calm. She wears merchants clothes and adept hood with wedding sandals(she has ingrown toenails) then any gloves you want to ware.
Pick the b*tchiest dialogue.
Thats it sorry if my English is bad its not my native language. Thanks!