Figures my first thread here other than character builds would be settlement stuff. Curse told me to start a thread on Settlements and imma gonna.
I shall go first and will update with different ones later as I'm playing a Nuka world playthrough now and will be developing settlements to pillage and plundar later.
I play Fallout 4 and while I usually ignore Preston and gang, that doesn't mean I don't have settlements. I do, I just don't like Sanctuary Hills. I prefer to be where the action is, and usually action ins in the center of the map, not in some baby baby top left corner. My favorite settlement is Hangman's Alley. Tiny, cramped and impossibly hard to build in. Where do I sign up? I have built in this settlement more than any other because I like the challenge of turning shanty into shanty metropolis.
Hangman's Alley by Long-Chapper
This one was complete with a Slocum Joe's and a Nuka cafe courtesy of some CC content gifted by my many students (they love it that their old teacher games!)
Apartment complex in my save on pc. All this was unmodded and yes, Hangman's Alley. The rest of the pictures are from that older save too. No mods.
There you have it, some of my Hangmant's Alley stuff. Yep, there's a bus in the city. It was a hangout. This settlement had 30 people when I lost the save due to my computer crashing. 30 people, two brahmin, and like 4 dogs and 3 cats. When I build Hangman's Ally in this Nuka world Playthrough, I'll be sure to post pictures.
I look forward to seeing other settlements. Let's get building!
God damn your Hangman’s Alley is decked out.
Yeah, I go crazy with that settlement. I always challenge myself, how many things CAN I cram in there. :D
I’m going to load up my old save after work and show you my depressing little hole in the wall.
Awww. I’m sure it’s nice. I sometimes go simple with my Settlements.
Edit: My typos are bad today!
Welcome to Poverty Mills. As you'll come to find out from these screenshots I have no imagination when it comes to settlement building. I may rescue settlers from certain death, but what I leave behind for them isnt much better than dying.
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication :)
Those are some hardy settlers too. This nowhere settlement has survived attacks from raides, feral hounds, and even a death claw at one point.
Managed to dig up some screenshots of my old settlement from my first playthrough. It's this big castle I built at the Starlight Drive-In. Very proud of my guard uniforms!
Very nice! Looks well fortified and everything. I'm curious though what did you do about that big radioactive pit in the middle.
You can scrap all the barrels in the put and it removes the radioactivity. You can see I've got a big purifier set up in there now.