The Skyrim Civil War, also known as the Stormcloak Rebellion is an ongoing civil war in Skyrim during the 4th era. I won't go much into detail about The Civil War or the events leading up to it, as that can be saved for another discussion due to how much can be said about it, but I do want to talk about the factions or "sides" of the civil war.
Essentially, there are 3 main factions in the civil war; the Imperials (the Empire), the Stormcloaks, and the Thalmor. Even though the Thalmor sides with the Empire and doesn't actively participate in this war, they don't exactly support the Empire, but rather they wish to see the downfall of both factions so they can dominate Tamriel. The Imperials fight to maintain peace and keep Skyrim in the Empire, believing that as a province of the Empire, Skyrim must abide by its laws and customs, which includes the terms set by the White-Gold Concordat. The Stormcloaks aim to remove the Imperial Legion from Skyrim and turn the province into an independent kingdom.
In addition, following Skyrim's independence, the Stormcloaks plan to lift the restrictions set by the White-Gold Concordat, namely the ban on the worship on Talos, execute Thalmor Justicars that were sent to Skyrim to enforce the ban on Talos worship, crown Ulfric the High King of Skyrim, and also prepare Skyrim for a future war with the Aldmeri Dominion. Lastly, the Thalmor wishes to maintain the civil war, crippling both the Imperials and the Stormcloaks so they can rule over Tamriel. The Thalmor believes that elves are superior to men, seeking to recreate the first Aldmeri Dominion whose aim was the right the course of history, believing that the younger races, also known as men, have dominated Tamriel for too long.
There's a lot more detail that could be expanded upon but for the sake of this discussion, I tried to remain brief and summarize the goals of each faction. Now that we're all on the same page, I want to ask, where do you stand? Do you have faith in the Empire? Do you side with the Stormcloaks? or do you believe that elves are superior to men and deserve to rule Tamriel?
As for the Empire, they fight for both reasons. As territory of the Empire, it’s a no brainer for the Empire to fight for Skyrim. No country or government would willingly give up their land over a rebellion. They’d fight for that land and try to maintain peace since rebellions would obviously cause chaos and danger.
Skyrim helped found the empire, only for it to grow weaker over time, ultimately capitulating to the Thalmor. And along the way the empire sold out Hammerfell, and it's a huge let down that we do not see any involvement from the red guards in the civil war.
The empire on the other hand, were really left with no real choice. They had depleted themselves fighting the Dominion and had the war gone on any longer there would be no empire. The empire is screwed no matter what they do and the stormcloaks rebellion only helps the thalmor.
The stormcloaks are shooting themselves in their collective feet by sidelining the empires resources with rebellion. And funny enough, Talos worship was hardly a staple of Nordic religious custom until the Thalmor banned the worship of Talos.
They worship Talos mostly to stick it to those high elves who have the audacity to dictate their religious customs.
I've seen discussions in the past in which support for either side is split down the middle. Ultimately, there are various reasons to join either side, but really I just hate the Thalmor.