Show off your characters

Since nobody's thought to do this yet, here's a spot where you can show off your custom characters from any game. To kick things off here's a shot of my Destiny 2 hunter. 


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  • 3717009034?profile=RESIZE_930xMy current Titan appearance!

    Strength: Aesthetics

    Weakness: Doorways

    • I'm too distracted by the fact that you don't even have a hunter. How rude.

      • Im with Teccam. I feel personally attacked here. 

        • While Titans are...OK, and Hunters pretty good, everyone knows Warlocks are superior

          • I respect your right to be wrong.

      • Hah, I used to! Deleted him so that I could make a fresh one to play through with a friend I was encouraging to get into the game.

    • When did Blizzard add guns to WoW?

  • 3717440129?profile=RESIZE_930xMy Axton the Commando from Borderlands 2

  • My assasssins creed Odyssey get up


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