Hey y'all! This is my first character profile for the site! I work pretty hard on all my characters and try to draw up my own art when possible, but I'm having trouble transferring the hand-drawn works to the computer. So, for the time being, I will not have my own picture added of Ms. Talia. However, once I get everything back and running again we should have no problem with sketches and concept art being uploaded.
Talia is inspired by a character I first created when purchased Skyrim a few years ago. I didn't make it very far with her in-game, mostly due to the fact I was just a noob and I got bored when I reached above level 30. Talia, however, has played a vital part in shaping the way I develop characters and use them in-game, in fanfics, and in my own personal stories. I haven't tested her out in a roleplay setting before, so this will be super exciting!
Because of the amount of time I've developed her, I have a lot I can say about her. I won't bore you with all details, as it's more fun to learn them as the story progresses, but I must give a bit of boring family history. I plan to use her as a character in the Story Corner as well as in the Roleplay Group, so I put a lot of effort into the outline (probably more effort than anyone cares to read, oops). Just bare through the embarrassingly long backstory, and I promise all my characters won’t be like this.
Thanks in advance and Talos Guide You!
*Note: This is a stand-in image that I do not own that I googled up for the purpose of envisioning Talia Maro. Again, I do not own this image, and give credit to the artist. Image can be found at: shideh.deviantart.com
Name: Talia Maro
Aliases: "Dibella's Daughter", Close friends call her "Tali"
Titles: Tribune/Captain (for Imperials); Stormblade (for Stormcloaks)
Race: Imperial
Sex: Female
Age: 26
Birthday: 5th of Heartfire (September 5th)
Birthsign: The Lady
Moral Alignment: Neutral Good
Supernatural: N/A
Class: Imperial Rogue (more on that later)
Height: 5ft 3in/160cm
Weight: 150lbs/68kg
Physique: Slightly above average build, defined muscles in upper arms and lower legs
Skin Tone: Fair
Eye Type: Upturned
Eye Color: Sky Blue
Hair Type: Short and Choppy
Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
Scars/Tattoos/War Paint: N/A
Casual Clothing
Head: Jade and Sapphire Circlet (Fortify Archery)
Neck: Amulet of Dibella (Fortify Speech)
Torso: Talia's Dress (Tavern Clothes)
Arms: Smithing Gloves (Gloves/Fortify Smithing)
Hands: Silver Amethyst Ring
Feet: Talia's Boots (Boots/Muffle)
Combat Clothing (for Imperials)
Head: Talia's Helm (Penitus Oculatus Helmet/Fortify Light Armor)
Neck: Amulet of Dibella (Fortify Speech)
Torso: Talia's Armor (Penitus Oculatus Armor/Fortify Health)
Arms: Talia's Bracers (Penitus Oculatus Bracers/Fortify Archery)
Hands: Gold Diamond Ring (Fortify One-Handed)
Feet: Talia's Boots (Penitus Oculatus Boots/Fortify Carry Weight)
Combat Clothing (for Stormcloaks)
Head: Deserter’s Mask (Hooded Krosis/Increased Lockpicking, Archery, Alchemy)
Neck: Amulet of Dibella (Fortify Speech)
Torso: Deserter's Armor (Stormcloak Officer Armor/Fortify Health)
Arms: Deserter's Bracers (Stormcloak Officer Bracers/Fortify Archery)
Hands: Gold Diamond Ring (Fortify One-Handed)
Feet: Deserter's Boots (Stormcloak Officer Boots/Fortify Carry Weight)
Combat Tactics
Armor Type: Light
Weapon Type: One-handed and Bow
Magic Used: Restoration (Healing, Healing Hands)
Shouts Used: N/A
What's in your inventory?
Weapons: Imperial Sword, Glass Bow, Steel Arrows
Apparel: (See Above)
Potions: Cure Disease, Cure Poison, Restore Health
Scrolls: N/A
Food: Rabbit Haunch, Apple Dumpling, Leg of Goat Roast, Salmon Steak
Ingredients: Salt Pile, Honeycomb, Large Antlers
Books: Killing- Before You Are Killed, Skyrim's Rule, Aedra and Daedra, Gods and Worship
Keys: N/A
Miscellaneous: Lockpicks, Torch, Wolf Pelt, Deer Hide, Child's Doll, Gold
Other Information
Current Location: On the road, outside of Helgen
Birthplace: Anvil, Cyrodiil
Notable Family: Commander Maro, Gaius Maro
Notable Friends: Ulfric Stormcloak
Notable Enemies: Dark Brotherhood, General Tullius
Religion: Dibella, Mara, Stendarr, Talos
Factions/Organizations: Penitus Oculatus, Stormcloak Rebellion
Occupation: Emperor's Guard, Turncoat
Education: Restoration Training in Chapel of Dibella, Scholar in Imperial City, Penitus Oculatus Academy
Personality: Talia is a kind-hearted and devout woman who, if necessary, would give her life for a cause she believed in. Unlike the rest of her guard, she believes that all races in Tamriel are equals to each other. Discrimination and prejudice have no place in her heart, and she lives to help those who are oppressed, often finding herself in trouble. Talia has a very acute sense of right and wrong, but is willing to cross the line if the outcome will help someone else in the end. Her actions and mannerisms often get her mistaken for a child, but she is quick to correct someone of their blunder.
To fully understand Talia’s story, you must go back to the founding of her clan. Since their rise to power in the third era, Clan Maro had always been known for producing strong Imperials who exceeded in whatever line of work they chose. They made cunning diplomats, powerful warriors, sneaky thieves, and deadly assassins. While it was true that the clan was divided in its early years (often by diverse political opinions), most of the Maros were kind, good-hearted men who did what was right in the sight of their empire and their world. Many good men lost their lives during the Oblivion Crisis, but those that remained were hailed as heroes, further solidifying their prominent position in Cyrodiil.
During the second century of the fourth era, twin sons became heirs to lead the clan: Oritius Maro, a member of the emperor's Penitus Oculatus, and Michalis Maro, a noble in the emperor's court. The older brother, Michalis, managed problems between the people of Anvil, serving as a judge of sort to the matters that were below the emperor’s attention. It was a safe, cozy job that afforded many luxuries. He worked in the White-Gold Tower, owned a fine home in the Talos Plaza District, and spent most of his time drinking rather than working. Contrarily, Oritius found himself in a more dangerous profession. As a member of the guard, he worked both in and out of the Imperial City, traveling and disbanding any hazards to the throne. He was constantly in the line of danger, but it did grant him much respect. The people admired the Penitus Oculatus for their bravery and sacrifice. While he didn’t make much money, Oritius considered himself a wealthy man through the love of those people and the safety of his emperor.
Though Clan Maro had been at peace within itself for decades, two brothers in position of power were destined to clash. Troubles began when Michalis wanted sole leadership of the clan, believing it was his inheritance as the first born. Oritius believed they should lead together, as requested by the prior patriarch of the clan. Many supported the latter belief as well and held both brothers in the same esteem. This more than upset Michalis, and he strove to prove his superiority over his brother. He tried spreading petty lies and blaspheming Oritius’ name, but when those didn’t work, he resorted to more direct attacks.
The agent wasn’t blind to Michalis’ attacks, but he believed he had more important things to attend to. His devotion to the emperor distracted him most of the time, but he soon had other priorities. After meeting a young woman in Bravil, Oritius fell in love with her and planned to marry her. He did so in secret, as not to have his brother ruin the day for him, and they soon conceived a child. He hid their secret for as long as he was able, but at the birth of his son, the man couldn’t contain his joy. He named his son Gaius, and sent word to the other members of the clan. Most everyone celebrated with him, apart from Michalis. He feared Oritius’ actions were derived from greed, not from love. With a wife and an heir to the position, no one would have a reason to stop his brother from accepting the title of patriarch. Immediately, Michalis bought the hand of a nobleman’s daughter, planning an elaborate ceremony to direct attention away from Gaius. Even before the ceremony, however, Michalis tried to have a child, just to void his brother’s would-be claim to patriarchy. He was unable to conceive, and resorted to prayer. He pled for Oritius’ demise and when that failed him, built a shrine to Boethiah, sacrificing in her name to have his brother assassinated, or be given the strength to do the deed himself.
Michalis didn’t have to pray long, as a year after Gaius’ birth, the Great War began. While he abandoned his city “protecting” Oritius’ new family from the Altmer, his brother was in the heart of the action. Oritius served with his fellow brothers and sisters in the Penitus Oculatus, traveling with the emperor wherever he guided them. There was little word between the siblings during the five years of war, and when the correspondences stopped altogether, Michalis concluded his prayers had been answered. He proclaimed himself patriarch of Clan Maro despite the war and suspected death of his kin. He allowed Gaius and his mother to stay under his protection until the war’s end, but removed them shortly after its conclusion. As if to legitimize his claim, his wife became pregnant during the last few months of the war, giving him the heir he needed those many years ago.
However, after the signing of the White-Gold Concordant, Michalis was stunned to find his brother very much alive. Oritius had not only survived the Great War, but had been promoted to head of the Penitus Oculatus. The now Commander Maro was very angry at Michalis’ actions towards him and his family and called for him to revoke his claim as patriarch. Of course, Michalis refused. He claimed that Oritius was destined to have died and left the title to him. Oritius was stunned at the assertion. Blinded by greed and rage, Michalis was finally given strength by Boethiah to kill his twin. In the presence of several other noblemen, Michalis attacked his only brother. Suffice to say, Michalis didn’t do as well as his pride let him believe he would. Oritius quickly disarmed and subdued him, but rather than killing him or taking him to prison, he let his brother go.
The rest of the nobility, as well as Clan Maro, were not nearly as forgiving to Michalis as Oritius. An attempted murder of a Penitus Oculatus agent, never mind one’s own kin, was a serious ordeal that could not go unpunished. Michalis was stripped of his noble status, his reputation, and his very own name. He was sentenced to prison, but, strangely, Oritius took to his defense. Instead, he had his brother exiled to Anvil where he would be far from the Imperial City and in the town of his wife’s family. He argued that his twin’s family would struggle without a man to provide for them. The court settled with his exile, and Michalis agreed to the terms but not without spite and hatred rooting into his heart.
Despite the misfortunes, he was not without a home or job when he arrived in Anvil. His wife’s family took them into their home and her father gave Michalis work in his store as a fletcher. Even though the family were also nobles, they lived a much humbler lifestyle. They didn’t have an abundance, but they never went hungry. Rather than shunning Michalis’ new family, they invited them to partake in their lifestyles, especially worshiping the divines at local chapels. While his wife was grateful for this kindness, Michalis hated every moment he was away from the Imperial City. He refused to believe his life of wealth and influence was over. Instead, he put his faith into his unborn child. He let his plots stay with Boethiah, however, and waited for the day he could wield the child as a weapon.
At the time of the birth, Michalis was nowhere to be found. He only arrived after the child was born and it was merely out of curiosity of its gender. He had been expecting it to be a boy, much like his brother’s, but was surprised at discovering it was indeed a girl. His wife was excited and urged him to name her. Michalis refused stating simply he wanted nothing to do with the child. Shocked and hurt, the woman pleaded with him to accept their newborn, but knew in her heart she wouldn’t change the stubborn man’s mind.
As Michalis left them, her mother decided to name her Talia. It was the name of a warrior of old who was the family’s symbol of strength and honor. The woman pledged that her daughter would be just as strong and noble with or without the love and acceptance of a father. Bearing that in mind, she carried her daughter to the Chapel of Dibella daily, blessing her and praying over her that she may become a loving, beautiful woman. The priestess of the chapel welcomed the family with open arms and did their part in passing on the blessings.
As Talia grew, it appeared the Lady had heard the pleas of her people and answered their prayers. Talia grew into a beautiful child, with a heart of compassion and love just as stunning. She was the pride and joy of the family and the adoration of the city. Even as a child, it seemed her kindness was limitless. Talia begged for coins to give to the poor, she prayed for the sick and wounded in the chapels, and even helped with the reconstruction of Anvil by bringing water to those that were busy working. As boundless as her love was, she could never seem to catch her father’s eye, which began to take a toll on her the older she became. Disregarding that trouble with her father, Talia couldn’t have been happier. For ten years of her life, Talia enjoyed the love of a family, the privileges of nobility, and the kindness of the Divines.
Her life of uninterrupted peace and joy would not last. Though the Divines gave her grace, the Daedra waited in the shadows for a chance to make her fall. They were allowed their opportunity to wreak havoc on her one memorable and traumatic night. The family were all asleep in their home, apart from Michalis. It wasn’t unusual for the man to come home late after spending the evening drinking in a tavern. Talia had a habit of waiting up for him, but that night, he didn’t come in at all. In his place, a man, garbed in red and black, entered the home. He apparently didn’t know Talia was awake and watching, as he immediately carried out the deed he was assigned to do. Talia was terrified as she first watched her grandfather then grandmother be murdered in their sleep. She could hardly make a sound, let alone move, as the assassin walked over to her and her mother’s room.
The man seemed startled at first, seeing a silent, motionless child standing in a dimly lit doorway. Slowly, he walked the distance between them, cleaning his blade with a gloved hand. He was nearly upon Talia when the girl was snatched away from the door by her mother. The woman slammed the door, pressing herself against it to bar it closed. In desperate, hushed tones, she begged her child to climb from the window and run to the temple. Talia, still mortified by the events, struggled to comprehend her mother’s words. She clung to her mother’s side in fear until the moment she heard the wooden door begin to split. Out of desperation, the woman pulled from the door and bolted for the window. She practically tossed Talia outside before turning to face their attacker alone.
With the words finally sinking in, Talia ran as fast as she could to the Chapel of Dibella, crying for entrance at their doors. Of course, the priestesses left the mortified orphan into their temple. It didn’t take them long to recognize the girl and piece together what may have occurred to put her in such a tremor. For the rest of the night, the women of the temple gave her company and security at their shrine while the priestesses stood guard at the doors, ready to smite anyone who would cause harm to their Daughter of Dibella.
At morning light, a priestess contacted the city guard and led an investigation of the nobles’ home. They found the corpses of all the noblemen, loot still intact. Furthermore, all the valuables in the home were untouched. It was odd, but stranger still was the fact that Michalis’ body was nowhere in the house. Unsettled, the guard immediately began search for the missing man, who, if wasn’t dead, was a prime suspect of the killings.
With her family dead, Talia had no place left to go. She had no knowledge of her father’s clan or living brother, so she truly believed she was orphaned. Her misfortunes didn’t change her heart however. While the investigation into the murders continued, Talia stayed at the chapel to care for the people that came in. She helped the priestesses by bringing worshipers potions when they needed healing and collecting offerings to the goddess. The head priestess noted the girl’s willingness to serve and took her under her wing as an apprentice.
Months went by and the guards were no closer to finding the murderer or Michalis. Talia remained under the protection and care of the Chapel of Dibella, all the while training in the ways of Restoration and religion. She still mourned for her lost family but found that healing others helped heal herself. It was there that she also received a basic education. She learned reading and writing as well as history in the Aedra, Daedra, and the Great War. The priestesses loved having a child around to guide in the path of Dibella, but they knew they could not keep her much longer. The head priestess prayed for the Lady’s guidance in where to send Talia, but Dibella was already at work in Talia’s future.
Eventually, word of the murders in Anvil reached the ears of nobles in the Imperial City. It was all anyone in the White-Gold Tower could talk about for days on end. Given his proximity to the nobility, Oritius happened to overhear the story. He was concerned for his brother and his family, and sent a letter to the household at once. He waited days for a reply before his worry got the better of him. Packing up his small family, Oritius took a trip to Anvil to check on his relatives that he had not seen in more than ten years.
After reaching the city and asking around, he received the terrible news of his brother’s fate. Despite not seeing his twin for years, Oritius was still grieved. He was ready to head home when a fellow guard informed him of Talia’s survival. He had never met his niece, but the thought of someone making it through the ordeal brought him hope amidst his despair. He set out with his wife and son to meet his niece at the chapel.
The head priestess met Oritius with open arms, recognizing him immediately as the answer to her prayers. She told him all that she knew about Talia’s past, her current state, and her unknown future. She thrust upon him the idea of taking her back to the Imperial City, as she had no other living family. He was cautious at first but with some coaxing from his wife gladly agreed to take young Talia into their home. Overcome with joy, the priestess went to fetch Talia to meet her uncle.
At first, Talia feared Oritius. She had no idea her father had a brother, let alone a twin. It alarmed her to see a man who looked like her father standing in the same room as her. It took a little persuading, but she eventually took a liking to him. He was more kind and definitely more loving than the man she knew as her father. His wife was equally as charming, but Gaius was the one that made her agree to follow them back to the Imperial City. She connected with her cousin immediately. He had an aura that radiated protection and trust, and she was drawn to him more than any other. After hours of meeting and talking in the chapel, Talia packed what little she owned at the temple, gave heartfelt goodbyes to the priestesses there, and left to head to her new home.
Oritius and his wife raised Talia as their own daughter. Likewise, Gaius acted as the older brother in her life. The Maros helped shape Talia for the remainder of her childhood years. Oritius gave his children the same education and allowed them to be scholars at the college in the city. He taught them the basics of self-defense and swordsmanship when they weren’t busy studying. Their mother taught them essentials like cooking and alchemy. In turn, Talia taught the family what she knew about Restoration. Over the years, Talia came to accept she had regained the family she had lost in Anvil.
When they both came of age, the two siblings decided to join the Penitus Oculatus together, hoping to fight alongside and serve their father. Oritius was pleased at their choice, but even more proud of them for planning to continue their training together. The two were practically inseparable, so to have them join at different times would likely drive them mad. They trained hard for many years learning advanced techniques of what their father taught them years prior.
Despite their need to train together, the two had very different specialties. Given his stature and build, Gaius performed better in a combat setting. He loved learning new attacks and strategies as well as the strengths and weaknesses of opponents. While still doing well in a combat, Talia preferred lessons in the classroom. She enjoyed reading about history of wars, significant people of the past and present, and different cultures of races. Towards the end of her training, her favorite person of interest was a Nord Jarl by the name of Ulfric Stormcloak. While he was labeled a current enemy of the Empire, his attack strategies and morals were something to be admired.
After full acceptance into the Penitus Oculatus, the two siblings found ways to work their way through the ranks. Over the course of the next five years, they had a healthy rivalry. Both would take odd jobs or favors from higher ranking agents to help gain popularity. It was all in good fun, though the two knew the responsibilities placed on them. They were the only line of defense to protect their emperor and empire. They both grew to know the importance of their job and served in several small squads to take out threats to the throne.
At the turning of the century, the emperor announced he was planning a visit to the neighboring country of Skyrim. In anticipation of the visit, Commander Maro deployed several of his agents to the nation to begin security prepping for his arrival. Among those he sent were his son and adopted daughter. He also planned to go to head the security directly. They were to meet the commander of the Imperial forces, General Tullius, in a hamlet called Dragon Bridge. There, they would discuss the civil war as it effected the movements of the emperor.
Talia was overjoyed at the opportunity to visit another country, even one torn by civil war. She, Gaius and Oritius traveled together to the southern border of Skyrim where other Imperial soldiers met them. They welcomed the Penitus Oculatus but informed them their general would be late upon arriving, as he was meeting a brigade in Helgen. Not knowing how long he would be, Commander Maro sent Talia ahead to meet the man at Helgen and Gaius to Solitude in case they passed each other on the way. The commander himself decided to make his way to Dragon Bridge to begin stationing his troops in areas needing extra support.
The siblings did as they were told, setting off in opposite directions. Talia kept her mission in mind, but allowed herself to take in the sights along the way. While the Imperial City was a beautiful metropolitan, the wilds of Skyrim were a sight all its own. Once a good distance from the rest of the guard, Talia slowed her pace to preserve her steed’s energy. It would be a few hours or more before she reached Helgen, and she planned to take in every moment.
Again guys, I am sorry for the incredibly long backstory that I just made you read.
That is a long bit of text to read but no need to apologize. If this is what you like to do then do it! No apology required.
Though you might be able to learn how to "trim the fat". If you get rid of the spare stuff your good stuff will shine brighter.
You shouldn't. The Roleplay Group is a place to record and share your characters with other members. Even if there "were" some problems, a bit of constructive criticism wouldn'tve hurt.
If you have any other characters you've played through, don't hesitate to post them here, either as a Character Profile or a Snapshot.