The Character Building Help Desk
This discussion is to help people gather fresh ideas and information for new builds, as well as to answer queries about anything regarding the Character Building group.
Feel free to ask questions!
- Have a build concept that you'd like some feedback on? Post it right here and we'll discuss it. The Helpdesk is an ideal place to kick around ideas for your next build.
- If you're after help with your build's role-play, seek out the Roleplay Group. The group is home to many role play enthusiasts who will happily help you.
- If you have some questions about game mechanics (such as how a certain glitch or exploit works, is this ability effected by that perk, etc.), then this thread is the perfect place to ask.
- If you need help with something artistic or presentation related simply ask for what you need here.
Hey man, that is a good base for an interesting build, I think there are a few builds with the same premise here on the Forum that you can check out. The first thing that stuck with me is that you mentioned all crafting skills (Alchemy, Smithing, and Enchanting). As you may know, any build becomes "OP" with those skills and it often strips the build of its originality. Personally, I would ditch Smithing, invest mainly in Alchemy with some "light" enchanting if you really need it.
Thanks for the answer and the advice. Smithing is somewhat unavoidable, particularly in survival mode. At least camping supplies have to be crafted. Arrows maybe too. Otherwise it's mainly for improving the fur armour.
Enchanting would probably be "light" either way, because no soul trapping means that all soul gems would have to be purchased. At around 1.4k for a grand one (without speach levelling), that's quite a few pieces of firewood to chop.
Oh okay I see, I have no experience with Survival mode so my bad on that .
I'm down to keep giving my feedback if you need it in the future for the build.
Check out The Squib
I have a build concept that I'm working on, but I need some help with it. It's a modded build that is a mix of the Paladin and the Last Dragonborn, which I call the Paladin of Akatosh. He is a sword and board type of paladin from Cyrodiil who lost his parents during the Battle of the Red Ring. His father was a member of the Imperial Legion and his mother was a priestess of Akatosh in the Imperial City. His father was Imperial while his mother was a Breton.
Alright, simple but fun. Perhaps use a mixture of fire and time magic? Maybe always wear an Amulet of Akatosh, and make daily/weekly pilgrimages to the various Shrines of Akatosh, starting and ending with one in Solitude?
Here is the thing though, the build is modded to a degree, like Wintersun, Ordinator with Vokrii and Vokriinator, plus Apocalypse, Mysticism, Triumvirate, and Arcanum for spells, as well as Gifts of Akatosh for weapons and armor, then there is Epic Restoration for more spells for the Paladin roleplay. Sorry for it being a long list and then there is Summermyst for the enchantments and Andromeda for the standing stones. As for Time magic, I don't know where to begin with that, I also have Thunderchild for more shouts, since Lucihius is the Last Dragonborn in this particular timeline, considering of what happened in the events of the Break in the West
Maybe the advanced Slow Time shout to replicate time magic, I think you should use only one spell mod but if you really want all of those I'm sure you can find plenty of fire synergy/tricks to pull off.
Genuine question: What's the point of using Vokriinator?
The reason why is because I like the fact that you get a perk from the Restoration tree in Vokrii to mash well with the perk tree from Ordinator. Since the perk of being a servant of Akatosh in Wintersun allows spells and attacks to do x amount of damage to dragons, based on Akatosh's favor and in Vokrii, there is a perk in the Restoration tree that allows you to use sun spells against Daedra, Automatons, and Dragons.