I am nothing more than an ordinary man who tells stories of great men
"Is this event being update ?"
"thank you :)"
"My build: The Dancer https://theskyforge.ning.com/groups/tes-character-building/forum/cl..."
Hello everyone and welcome to my first build in the Skyforge. This build is based on the Dancer class from Fire Emblem: Three Houses , a very popular JRPG turn-based game. Without further do, let’s dive into it: "You won't meet a finer dancer in…
"Im in; Dancer class ( Fire Emblem)"
Hello everyone and welcome to my first build in the Skyforge. This build is based on the Dancer class from Fire Emblem: Three Houses , a very popular JRPG turn-based game. Without further do, let’s dive into it: "You won't meet a finer dancer in…
"Is this event supposed to keep the Vanilla gameplay? Are mods allowed? Anyways I will try to sign in with the Dancer class (from Fire Emblem). "
"Now I got many open characters. Wanna play Archmage, Vampire and now I am playing a bosmer called Legolas."
"This build looks so neat! I'm gonna try it 😊 As for the roleplay part, I know that this build was post along time ago, but I would like to know how the desthbringer approach settlements and points of interest, it relation with other races and…"
"Pretty nice "
"Thanks for this, I am raeding it since today I will start to play this rp build. Looking for more like this one."
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Looking for role playing builds on the internet.
What Elder Scrolls games have you played?
Oblivion, Skyrim, Legends, Blades, Online, Castles.
What Fallout games have you played?
Do you get to the Cloud District often?
Of course I don't.
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Apr 13, 2023
Apr 13, 2023
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Pirates of Tamriel - Contest Gold

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