I am nothing more than an ordinary man who tells stories of great men

Lucien the Bard replied to Furrion 17's discussion Character Build: The Remnant Keeper (Ordinator) in Skyrim Character Building
"Pretty nice "
Apr 4, 2023
Lucien the Bard replied to Ponty's discussion Lamp Descendant - Table of Contents in The Story Corner
"Thanks for this, I am raeding it since today I will start to play this rp build. Looking for more like this one."
Apr 2, 2023
Lucien the Bard updated their profile
Apr 2, 2023
Lucien the Bard replied to Durkio's discussion Character Build: The Wandering King in Skyrim Character Building
"I love it! My favorite race is High Elf but tired of being a mage on every gameplay. Very interesting!"
Aug 25, 2021
Lucien the Bard liked Ponty's discussion Contest Build: The Lamp Descendant in Skyrim Character Building
Feb 15, 2021
Lucien the Bard replied to pox's discussion Inspiration for lore based builds
"i will say mostly in-game books too. There is a pdf out there with all the books in Skyrim in one tome. Maybe you can check it out and get some inspiration."
May 8, 2020
Lucien the Bard liked Ponty's discussion Guide to Character Building in Skyrim Character Building
May 7, 2020
Lucien the Bard liked Ponty's discussion Contest Build: The Lamp Descendant in Skyrim Character Building
May 7, 2020
Lucien the Bard replied to Ponty's discussion Contest Build: The Lamp Descendant in Skyrim Character Building
"Congratuations this is a build I am hesitating to play with."
May 7, 2020
Lucien the Bard replied to nystee's discussion Contest Build: The Twisted Jester in Skyrim Character Building
"Very nice and interesting buld out here! Congratulations"
May 7, 2020
Lucien the Bard liked nystee's discussion Contest Build: The Twisted Jester in Skyrim Character Building
May 7, 2020
Lucien the Bard liked Albino's discussion Character Build: The Vigilant of Stendarr in Skyrim Character Building
Oct 16, 2019
Lucien the Bard liked Pixel's discussion Roleplayer's Resource - The Templar's Chapel in Roleplaying
Oct 16, 2019
Skull-Blackblood and Lucien the Bard are now friends
Oct 16, 2019
Lucien the Bard replied to Ponty's discussion Character Build: The Paladin in Skyrim Character Building
"Thanks for this build seems very interesting. Always love Paladin and how you made the two paths. I want to try the ordinator version of this one!"
Oct 16, 2019
Lucien the Bard liked Ponty's discussion Character Build: The Paladin in Skyrim Character Building
Oct 16, 2019

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    Come on in and don't be shy. Nobody here bites....at least I dont think they do anyway. Here is a space for new comers to introduce themselves and fo…
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How did you find this community?

Looking for role playing builds on the internet.

What Elder Scrolls games have you played?

Oblivion, Skyrim, Legends, Blades and Online.

What Fallout games have you played?


Do you get to the Cloud District often?

Of course I don't.


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