As many of you may know, I love my Argonians. Something about them is just fascinating them to me. Is it because they resemble dragons, which I love to death? Is it because of their lore and history? Or is it because they make such diverse and intere
Something I've always thought with the vast majority of the werewolf builds is how the beast Form seriously limits the character's power, such as reducing defensive capability through armor/the lack of a shield, limiting damage dealing with powerful
You were a traveler crossing the border into Skyrim when you were caught in an Imperial ambush. Mistaken for a Stormcloak, you were captured and sent to Helgen to be executed when a dragon attacked. In the confusion, you managed to escape and make yo
After the Oblivion Crisis, many mages throughout Tamriel sought ways to better harness the powers of Oblivion for good. They recreated an ancient Snow Elf combat style, seamlessly blending use of magic, bound weapons, and protective spells which is s
Haknir Death-Brand was one of the most ruthless and long-lived pirates Tamriel has ever seen. Upon his death, the strangest thing happened. Part of his soul went to the afterlife, while the other half remained in Gyldenhul Barrow, guarding his own to
The province of Skyrim is in desperate need of a hero. Dragons are returning, a civil war is raging, and necromancers, bandits, and daedra worshipers pollute the land with their foulness. The Divines have therefore seen fit to send a champion, a succ
You are Arcturus, a member of the Penitus Oculatus, the Emperor’s espionage and bodyguard organization. You were sent to Skyrim to infiltrate and eliminate the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary there to enable the Emperor's safe arrival to the region. Unfor
Known as the finest warriors since the days of Resdayn, the Hands were the perfect combination of Dunmeri warriors. Honourable and courageous, they balanced their combat between the bow, the blade, and destructive magics as they defended their
The group of necromancers huddled around each other, shivering under their dark robes, as cold wind whipped around them. They were finally here; they had finally found the grave of the Kamal King. Buried in a tiny grave deep in the mountains
After realising that with my Paladin that much of my stamina was spent shield-bashing and left not much for power attacks I was wondering how I could still make a build able to defend itself but still deal more damage. This idea came to me after seei
Most of what is known about the Legion’s dark soldier is merely rumors and hearsay, for no official records exist. Though the hows and whys are a matter for debate, sometime during the Great War, the Imperial Legion acquired the services of a powerfu
Let the wind blow. Let the sand scour. Let the magic of air and sand be free to roam the Alik'r. From the mystic membranes that stand between the two, absorb and convey unto me and all who may understand the deep essential powers of the desert.
After playing my War Mage, I wanted to do more of a simpler warrior build. I also wanted to do something that really delved into the roleplay of one of my favorite races in the game, the Orcs. So that brings us to the Cursed L
It is my understanding that Third Emissary Rulindil has been searching for information regarding the recent resurgence of dragons, as well as their possible connection to this “Dragonborn” who emerged during the
Once there lived an elf who sought to obtain power by any means necessary. He dealt with various lesser daedra until the day he summoned one of the fearsome Daedric Princes, Clavicus Vile, known for granting power through ritual invocations and pacts
The Hashashin is another build that came from two likes that I have in this game: Redguard race and the Paralyze effect. I wanted to finally get it all out of my system in one big build and utilize all of the ways you could take an enemy down and be
This character concept is something of the original, both in lore and play style. The concept is to role play and build a tiger-dragon Ka Po' Tun, a fierce cat-like warrior who uses brute strength and agility to take down opponents, especially the ha
"I'm fed up! These damn "Stormcloaks" and the corrupt Empire are gettin' on my last nerve! Back in my day, we had wars that were fought with men ... not whiny, little boys!
I may not be able to hold my hammer anymore, but I sure can shout my frustra