WIP Character Builds

We understand making a great character build that others actually want to play is difficult. And while some are comfortable working on their build in private and releasing it when complete, others may desperately need a lot of guiddance along the way. Whats where this section comes in.

In this section you may post any half finished rough draft build your working if you're in need of guidance or just want a place for people to evaluate your work as you work on it. Here are some helpful guidelines to remember

-Ensure you include the term "WIP Build" to your title so it can be more readily distinguisable from completed character builds. Example - WIP Build: The Sneak Archer

-For those posting their WIPs here, please be open to constructive criticism. You wouldnt be posting your work here if you thought it was perfect to begin with, so please make an honest effort to take in criticism. 

-For those commenting, dont be an ass. It takes a bit of courage to share ones own creative ideas, so dont ruin it by trying to bring people down. Be mindful of how you critique. Focus on being constructive

-When your build is complete, feel free to move it yourself or let me or an admin know and we'll move it over to where the completed builds reside. 

CLICK This Image to post your WIP Build!


All Discussions (92)

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WIP: Katria - Lost to the Ages

For nigh on twenty years, my steps walked the deepest parts of Tamriel, breathing the traces of the long-lost civilization.

The Name's Katria - a scholar, Dwemer enthusiast, adventurer, tomb raider, you name it.
From Morrowind to Hammerfell, I dedicat

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2 Replies · Reply by JazzyJazz Dec 23, 2024

WIP--Chef Gordon Ramsay

I'm not sure if Gordon Ramsay is a historical figure, so it won't be entered into the event!  This build is just for silly fun, and great to roleplay--and so far, very viable.

Gordon Ramsay is a famous British chef, known for his Michelin-starred rest

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1 Reply · Reply by Chris Diokno May 9, 2024

WIP - old Nord

Ragnar knew he was dying, the dreams were always so vivid, black wings hovering over him and words of hate and power.

The old warrior was not going lie in his cot and wait for death to claim him!  He would make the bugger work for his soul, donning hi

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WIP Build: The Proud Lion

Hi everyone, while wandering around Skyrim, I found a scroll of Forbidden Sun from the Apocalypse- magic of skyrim mod, so an idea for a build popped into my head and this is:





Escanor is the youngest son of a family of noble lineage, who l

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1 Reply · Reply by Chris Diokno Feb 2, 2024

WIP Build: The Eye of the Queen


They travelled around Tamriel with the Princess Ayrenn. Upon her return to the Summerset Isles and her ascension to the Throne of Alinor, they swore their allegiance. Known as the Eyes of the Queen. Handpicked by the Queen you serve the Aldmeri Domin

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WIP Build: The Pale Knight



Foreword: I thought I would visit a rather obscure piece of TES lore for this buildThe Pale Order were a Breton order of Knights founded in the 5th century of the 1st era. Famed for their cruelty, and lust for battle, they were known to have kill

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WIP: The Space Invader

"Few people realise the immensity of vacancy in which the dust of the material universe swims."- H.G. Wells, The War of the Worlds


Note how the art seems to conceptualize these invaders as humanoids floating in space and (presumably) shooting projecti

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1 Reply · Reply by Mu Oct 26, 2023

WIP: Scarlet Lord

Name: Lord Reman Donant

Gender: Male

Race: Imperial

Standing Stone: The Lady

Alignment: Evil


1-handed, sneak, lockpicking, speach, enchanting, illusion, conjuration


  • 1-handed:
  • Sneak:
  • Lockpicking:
  • Speach:
  • Enchanting:
  • Illusion:
  • Conjuration: 



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WIP Build: The Lord in Yellow

Before we start, this is the first time I am doing something like this. There are still a few things I need to change and finish, but I know if I don't post it now, I will never end up posting it.  Also, if anyone can help me with a perk spread and i

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2 Replies · Reply by Oivey Apr 14, 2023

WIP Event Build -- The Desert Fox

Foreword:  The Remnants, also known as The Eyes That Watch, are a Redguard network of warriors and spies from Hammerfell that operate in Skyrim and elsewhere.  Their main purpose is to make sure the Aldmeri Dominion and the Thalmor follow the terms a

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WIP - Event Build: Sahlo The Possessed




                                                                                    Art made by gruntcoo

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WIP: The Warrior Poet


"And the braggart did swagger and brandish his blade,
As he told of bold battles and gold he had made."

- "Ragnar The Red", traditional song in Whiterun


Born in Markarth to a Nord family, his father misteriously disappeared not long after, an

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WIP Build: The Tongue

••• Backstory••• 

    The Tongue, since he could remember, lived on the sea, or in a port city, then the sea again. His father had been a raider, and a bandit before that. The average person wouldn’t call him a good man or father, but he was strong an

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