“I’m begging you, Misaki!” Drake cried to the blue haired woman. His eyes were bloodshot from the tears that refused to stop leaking down his face. “Please, stop this. We can defeat ZONE together!”
I am a damned vampire- a Volkihar for fuck’s sake!- not some maiden to be told what is best! I finally had a life to live after being cooped up in a cave for Bal knows how long and there is n
My eyes shot open as a hair-splitting scream filled the air. I recognized the cry as the voice of Faida. I wasted no time in sitting up, grabbing my sword that laid on the floor beside my cot. I was still in my nightwe
“That’s a lot of smoke! Were they planning on burning the place to the ground?!” Kaita called out as we passed the Western Watch tower, forcing ourselves to look upon the city of Whiterun- or rather, the remains of Whiterun.
Not bloodthirsty, hungry for power or vengeful, to an extent, like many others of her species. I may have been biased but the facts do not lie. Very few vampires in history were of pacifis
“Well this is nice,” I said trying to make small talk. Xian and I had just left Fort Dawnguad with over five-thousand gold in tow. The sun was till high in the air above us, bright yellow and orange beams barely visible warmed e
That buffoon of a vampire! I hissed. Why Lord Harkon left Orthyjolf in charge of the castle is beyond me. But at least he left very specific instructions before heading… where ever he went.
Galmar handled the news as well as expected. I was changing in the upstairs room when I heard the Nordic shouting match from the main hall. The words were muffled by the stone walls, but the reverberation of anger a
Down the hatch, I though as another drink slushed its way down my throat. The mead was unfortunately weak, but the Argonian Bloodwine more than made up for that. It was a lovely blend of what I enjoyed about Black Marsh with a hint of
Hello there, everyone and welcome to the first Writer’s Discussion on the Story Corner. As you can see from my name I’m Ben W, the host of this little library. Now I gonna level with you all and make this clear: I’m winging the shit out of this. Get
Set in 4E 201 Skyrim, Nocturnal's Child follows the story of Caeruleus Vulpus, a young Imperial thief from Cyrodiil, who is on a journey to discover who his mother was. Having heard tales of a temple to Noctu
As I am now, I currently play fitting background ambience whenever I sit down and prepare to add to a character's Chronicle. With Monthr, I usually pick some dark ambience to help me get in a more sinister mood, and I've also got that narrator from T
When I regained my senses, I felt a warm hand pressed against my cheek. I instinctively leaned into the gentle touch, finding comfort in my pained state. My head ached terribly, but the feeling was numb compared to when I firs
Between northern Cyrodiil and Skyrim lie the Jerall mountains. Stone structures built by nature to separate the snowy and hostile lands of Skyrim and, the diverse lands of the heart of Tamriel. The mountains wer
Jorleif met me at the front doors of The Palace of Kings. The steward smiled faintly at me as I approached, like he had been expecting me for a while. The thick-bodied Nord rocked slightly on his heels, moving ever so sl
I grunted as Gaius dropped a large sack of flour on my shoulder. The powder from inside puffed out of the small holes in the sack and surrounded me in a white cloud. Frowning, I pursed my lips and tried to blow the clou
Leaving the gates of Windhelm in Stormcloak armor brought me more respect than I realized. Even in a city were the rebels were a common sight, the people treated them like war heroes. I was mistaken by nearly everyone as a f
The moon shone brightly this night, the red waves of energy given off felt electrifying on my skin. Watching Masser rise higher and higher into the black, starless sky from the peak of the castle gave me such a thrill. Unfortunate
If there was one thing I didn’t like about Skyrim, it was how cold the blasted country was. Even in the warmer areas there always seemed to be a blast of frigid air every now and again. Reading about the country’s
Author's Note: This is not set in the TES Universe (shocker). This is set in World of Warcraft with the two main characters being my own creation. Any others therein are creations by Blizzard. Enjoy!