WellTemperedClavier replied to Dr. Long-Chapper's discussion Straag Rod: Book 1, Part 1, Chapter 13 in The Story Corner
"First, I really loved some of the descriptions sprinkled in throughout this chapter. Elements like the many-hued glories of Summerset or the more homey comforts of the Companions' Hall gave the scenes a strong sense of place. 
The fall of…"
Jun 12, 2022
WellTemperedClavier replied to Dr. Long-Chapper's discussion Straag Rod: Book 1, Part 1, Chapter 12 in The Story Corner
"I love the sensory details you put here, particularly in regards to Jorrvaskr. It conjures a sense of place--home for the weary warrior. The first part also has a lot of hints as to the Companions' true nature.
And I wonder what role Aelberon will…"
Jan 16, 2022
WellTemperedClavier replied to Dr. Long-Chapper's discussion Straag Rod: Book 1, Part 1, Chapter 11 in The Story Corner
"We've talked about how difficult it is to write battle scenes, but you did a fantastic job here. The first part gives the reader a good idea of the larger scope, and has its own arc with the ill-fated gryphon riders. The second provides an up-close…"
Aug 15, 2021
WellTemperedClavier replied to Dr. Long-Chapper's discussion Straag Rod: Book 1, Part 1, Chapter 10 in The Story Corner
"It's clear that Rynandor cares about Aelberon (at least, it seems that way to me), but also that he has his own motivations that are a bit more opaque. He comes off as something of an outlier, at least in regards to what I'd expect from an Altmer…"
Feb 15, 2021
WellTemperedClavier replied to Dr. Long-Chapper's discussion Straag Rod: Book 1, Part 1, Chapter 10 in The Story Corner
"What a horrible fate for a culture as aesthetic as the Altmer. Their art, their cities, even their bodies rendered to ruin.
The moment when Rynandor girds Aelberon in his armor is a powerful one. You can tell there's no going back, and that the…"
Feb 14, 2021
WellTemperedClavier replied to Dr. Long-Chapper's discussion Straag Rod: Book 1, Part 1, Chapter 6 in The Story Corner
"Oh, okay! Thanks for clarifying. Yeah, I can see that now--I remember earlier chapters discussing the hardships he'd gone through. I'd figured those were still in effect, but given the dramatic escalation I thought that the big thing killing him was…"
Jan 27, 2021
WellTemperedClavier replied to Dr. Long-Chapper's discussion Straag Rod: Book 1, Part 1, Chapter 5 in The Story Corner
"Interesting political interlude. You did a good job of showing Balgruuf's concerns. Clearly he loves his land, but that's balanced by pragmatism. He knows there's only so much he can do in this moment, and that he has to play his hand…"
Jan 25, 2021
WellTemperedClavier replied to Dr. Long-Chapper's discussion Straag Rod: Book 1, Part 1, Chapter 4 in The Story Corner
"The cultural stuff in this chapter was great. I loved the presentation of the Nords--very set in their ways, very suspicious of outsiders, but always with some level of historical justification. The numerous rules, like Altmer not even being…"
Jan 24, 2021
WellTemperedClavier replied to Dr. Long-Chapper's discussion Straag Rod: Book 1, Part 1, Chapter 2 in The Story Corner
"I quite like the idea of an older Dragonborn. The assumption in a lot of stories is to have a young hero who comes into their own, but there's something more interesting about someone who's already lived a long life with its share of triumphs and…"
Jan 21, 2021
WellTemperedClavier and Dr. Long-Chapper are now friends
Jan 20, 2021
WellTemperedClavier replied to Dr. Long-Chapper's discussion Straag Rod: Book 1, Part 1, Chapter 1 in The Story Corner
"Interesting opening!
You do a good job of setting a sense of place. Summerset is clearly a world unto itself, with its own divisions both regional and class-based. Aelbaron acts as kind of a representative of a less refined, but quite vital, Altmer…"
Jan 20, 2021
WellTemperedClavier replied to Prime's discussion Lost Heroes of Nirn: The Horror From Within the Mist in The Story Corner
"A lot of potential there!"
Jan 29, 2020
WellTemperedClavier updated their profile
Jan 29, 2020
WellTemperedClavier replied to Prime's discussion Lost Heroes of Nirn: The Horror From Within the Mist in The Story Corner
"I got that he'd been around for a while. What made him want to live forever? Fear of death? Some goal not yet completed?"
Jan 29, 2020
WellTemperedClavier replied to Prime's discussion Lost Heroes of Nirn: The Horror From Within the Mist in The Story Corner
"That was a fun, creepy story! The Dwemer ruins do lend themselves to Lovecraftian tales of lost civilizations and monstrous science (this one seemed most inspired by "At the Mountains of Madness", which is appropriate). Your prose did a good job of…"
Jan 29, 2020
WellTemperedClavier replied to Curse's discussion The Welcome Thread in The Welcome Center
"Hi, everyone! Long-time Morrowind fan here, but I've had a lot of fun exploring Skyrim as well."
Jan 29, 2020



How did you find this community?

Through Discord.

What Elder Scrolls games have you played?

I'm most familiar with Morrowind. However, I have also played Oblivion, Skyrim, and a bit of Arena.

What Fallout games have you played?

Fallout 1, 2, 3, and New Vegas.

Do you get to the Cloud District often?

The Cloud District is a great place, but I prefer Balmora's Commercial District.


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