Skyrim Build: The Battlemage - Oblivion Class Restoration Project - Ordinator Edition

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This video is part of a project to restore all 21 Oblivion classes in Skyrim using the Ordinator perk mod (plus other build-specific mods). Check out the whole playlist here:

THE BATTLEMAGE is one of the most powerful and versatile builds possible, combining powerful melee attacks with a poisoned weapon, and conjured minions with destruction magic. The battlemage is also able to protect itself with magical armor and potent restore health potions.

Mod list:

Intro song by SwigglesRP:

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  • These vids make me finally want to try out that Ordinator mod. 

    • I've been wanting to try mods like Ordinator and SkyRe, but I feel like I still don't understand the vanilla Skyrim enough yet. To be honest, the only questlines I've completed are the CoW, Companions, Dark Brotherhood, and Thieves Guild. Other than those, just some misc quest. I still haven't completed the Dawnguard, Dragonborn, or Main Quest.

      • It's not bad idea to complete the vanilla game before modding, especially mods that overhaul gameplay!

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    • That's too bad, would love to see what builds you could come up with using mods, Henson :)

  • I got an idea for a build that requires Ordinator, but its in the back of the line behind all the others ideas I came up with first. 

    • So many ideas so little time. I hope you're able to get to it soon :)

      • Tell me about it. I got 5 fully playtested builds + half a dozen concepts to work on. 

        • Oh. My.

          • Oh yes. 

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