Harald Fireheart, a magically-armored Nord warrior who's never found a sword too long for him, continues his adventures in the unforgiving world of Skyrim Requiem, dropping foes and breaking bows with his mighty blade. This episode sees him help the working people of Riften deal with the thieves there, bring down the cruel old Grelod, take on the bandits at Faldar's Tooth, Bthalft, Treva's Watch, and Fort Greenwall, clear out a spider infestation from Redbelly Mine, and finally get his hands on the Ebony Warhammer he commissioned from the smiths at Narzulbur.
The Fireheart Raider | Episode 14: Murder Plots and Crossbow Shots | Skyrim Requiem
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The song choice is giving me some major Mass Effect vibes. Was that intentional? Excellent choice either way!
Funny you should say that, actually. I make use of a lot of Mass Effect tracks throughout the series, but not in this particular episode. It's definitely one of my all-time favorite soundtracks, so if I can find an excuse to use Mass Effect music where it fits thematically, I take it.