TES Chronicles: Lygnar Salty-Knee



The battle on board the ship had been fierce. Crazed Argonians, slashing left and right, adaptive to the darkness of night, cutting into the men like butter. They were skilled fighters to be sure, but they were ill-prepared for the nocturnal assault. Their nighttime sentries had been silenced without so much as a sound, arrows in their heads and knives in their backs. How they even managed to sneak on board is anyone's guess. Either way, there was nothing to stop the lizards from boarding from the waters. The battle was going south - even the most seasoned warriors can fall to an ambush - and the captain had little choice. He grabbed Lygnar to one side and pushed him overboard, telling him to live on as the last Sea Scourge Pirate. And so he swam, while his crew and their captain fended off the cannibals and kept him from their attention. He did not even turn back to check once he saw them biting into the captain. He knew if he kept watching, he would surely turn around and try futily to avenge him. And so he swam.


It Will Have to Do

Lygnar had kept swimming, until he washed upon a shore southwest of Dawnstar, a shipwreck in the north called Hela's Folly. Even being a Nord, the frigid waters still chilled him to the very bone. He was thankful then, that there was a campsite on the tiny island, although it was inhabited by a lone Argonian named Deekus. Lygnar "borrowed" a nearby Iron Battleaxe, and decided this was as good as any for a bit of venting. He sent the axe hard into the lizard, who pleaded, unaware of what he had done. Afterwards, he warmed himself by the fire, cooked some of the Salmon, and rested. He felt a need to hibernate for days on end with how cold it was.


A Good Enough Start

Lygnar already had an idea of what was necessary to return to the seas once more. He needed gold, he needed gear, he needed a crew to fight alongside him, and he needed a ship to sail upon. But before he could get the ship he needed a crew, and before he could get a crew he needed gear, and before that, the gold to obtain all that. Thus only two ideas came to mind: Become a mercenary and deal with threats around Skyrim, or become a bandit and plunder the land. Unfortunately the latter option was out of the question due to his lack of equipment, so there was only one option.


The First Crew Member

Lygnar first decided to check out the boats within the three harbour cities in Skyrim. He'd been in the province before, so it was only a matter of searching through Solitude, Dawnstar and Windhelm for potential ships for sale. He'd just come from Dawnstar and confirmed they didn't have anything he could use, so now he was headed towards Windhelm. While there he decided to stop by the New Gnisis Cornerclub to get a drink. He was recommended by Susanna a year or so ago. While there he caught a glipse of one of the most bitter Dunmer he'd seen. Atvir was his name. The man was coarce, spoke his mind, and wasn't afraid to beat someone's skull in. Most importantly, he really hated Argonians. Lygnar liked him almost immediately. He decided to purchase some Flin for him and the two immediately hit it off. Atvir seemed to want to leave Windhelm as soon as possible and Lygnar needed a First Mate for his crew, and on the prospect of killing a group of Argonian pirates the Dunmer had few reasons to refuse. Thus was the first addition to the crew.


Boat Hunting

He had a crew. It was literally only one man but it was a start. Now he needed to find a ship with which to sail the Sea of Ghosts with. Windhelm didn't have any available vessels, at least, none with the size necessary to carry an entire crew. Thus the duo decided to take a trip to Solitude, their last hope at finding a ship. There were plenty of large ones that they can use, but they were all owned by someone or other. Lygnar considered taking the Red Wave from the nearby pirates, but he was ill-equipped to try to do so. If he wanted to consider it he would have to advance quite a bit in gear and strength before he tried. In the end the best thing they could do at the moment was to continue their mercenary work.


A Big Break

One of their clients, a merchant named Marcian (the "only" merchant in the Solitude dock area) told them that they'd been having trouble with pirates. it seems they've kidnapped the two other merchants in this area for ransom. For the sake of clearing out the competition (and securing whatever gear he can from them), Lygnar and Atvir accept the task of finding the pirates and saving the hostages.


Ain't She A Beaut

Initially, the pair only intended to clear out the competition, loot some gear and supplies and get rewarded for completing a mission, but they never expected to find such a worthy vessel! Lygnar guesses they took it from some explorers earlier on. It's got the right size, the material is A Grade, and it's already stocked with all the essentials.


The Northern Cardinal

Now they had a ship and some gear for their plunder, and next was the crew. Upon inspection Lygnar knew the ship could house only 10 people, including himself and Atvir. To actually sail, 3 other people would be necessary for controlling the sails, and Atvir was one of them. The other two, he found traversing various taverns in the holds. Stenvar, big tough and strong enough to handle large masts, and Vorstag, veteran warrior with skill in light armor. With his first crew set up, Lygnar sails to the Sea of Ghosts to break them in.

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  • Le Update. Lygnar gets his first crew member and starts on the search for a worthy boat.

  • I love these roleplay chronicles man. 

  • Hey Sheo (BB), have you considered adding a modlist to these profiles? It would be nice to know what kind of mods you use on each of these characters. You could just add it in at the very bottom or create a discussion in the Modding Group.

    • Sheo: Well I'll think about it.  But then again I think about a lot of things.  Like how much butter you can fit for inside of a City Guard,  or how far a cave bear flies when you punt it hard enough. Oh,  or what happens to a horner when you shock it hard enough! 

  • Le Update. Lygnar finally has all he needs to set sail!

    In other news: My attention span has been dipping...

    • Are you using any mod that actually sends you out into the sea of ghosts?

      • https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/62844

        Pirates of Skyrim -  The Northern Cardinal Under the Black Flag. Best pirate mod out there.

        Pirates of Skyrim - The Northern Cardinal under the Black Flag
        Be a pirate or privateer! Pillage enemy vessels and obtain unique loot. Sail the Sea of Ghosts and explore the ocean floor! Pay your crew by sharing…
  • I’ve always been hesitant to try that mod because of the many mod conflicts it supposedly has. 

    • Eh. I haven't come across any conflicts yet.

      • Great then I think I’ll give it a go when I come up with a good pirate character build. Gonna be tough to beat what Doc made. Very tough. 

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