So, this is something I've been wondering, and wanted to bring up. Here we can discuss ideas for any future Building Events, and feel free to chime in. So, feel free to share your ideas below.
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Could be interesting
It would require mods tho.
Specifically "SkyTweak" to put your chosen cheat skill at a higher degree, lower the other skills (except Speech for Roleplay reasons) to 5, and "Experience" to allow you to gain levels despite only leveling 2 skills. But I'm interested in seeing what could be done with investment in only one skill.
I like the idea, but what about characters using the mechanics from one elder scrolls game transported into another. like, a skyrim character using shouts in vardenfell or a morrowind character closing oblivion gates using levitation.
How do you guys feel about an event based on artifacts from previous TES titles.
That could be interesting, lots of artifacts to choose from
I think it could be interesting to have a build based around a certain shout. Basically, the effects and name of the shout would serve as inspiration for the build. For example, using the shout Battle Fury, one could create a build that focuses on buffing their allies and perhaps serving as a war general.
I also want to support the idea presented earlier in this topic that mentions a community character build. I would love to see how that turns out. It would be executed similarly to Henson's community build: The Ceya-Tar. This might be easier if one or two members simply take it upon themselves to create the discussions and take input and make the build themselves. I'm interested to hear peoples' thoughts on this now though.
One final idea for a build event is the "random generator" build. You would literally use a random generator to create the basics of the build: major and minor skills, race, standing stone, etc. The builder would then need to weave the web that connects all these "random" aspects.
Interesting, could be fun
some neat ideas here
Just been stalking the build group and found this. I’ve always thought an Event based on the non-playable raves would be cool. Ayleids, Dwemer, Sload, Dremora, Aureal, Auororan, you get the idea.
This one I really like. I personally have a few build ideas around Aylieds themselves - from Umaril (got stuck with him as you kill him off in the KoTN DLC) and even Gordhaur the Shaper (who I believe), technically isn't dead, but not exactly alive)