Having never tried a true sneak character (or true evil character for that matter) I thought I would give it a go and do some roleplaying along with it. I chose to play as a Mythic Dawn Agent, which you could call it an Acolyte as in Skyrim, there is
This build was inspired from a few concepts. First, I have never gone down the lightning route of the Destruction tree. Let me tell you, it is by far my favorite way to go! Second is inspiration from Mortal Kombat. This is in no way shape or form a "
With this build, I am done without really being done. This character build in a nutshell is an extension of my love for Ayleids and Ayleid lore, which will be expanded upon later, but an experience with all of my favorite things within Skyrim and the
I absolutely love the Elder Scrolls vampire bloodlines. Given that I definitely needed some boosting in the "Argonian build" department, I thought that the power of the Thrafey from the Iliac Bay would best be suited for a healing warrior. The Thrafe
I guess I have run out of ideas that I have come full circle!! For now...
I thought back to other roleplaying games and remembered how fun it was to kite and strafe about using agility while picking off bad guys with a high powered ranged weapon ..
This character build is an exploration into another vampire bloodline and a combination of skills and spells not yet explored by me: a battlemage vampire. The Khulari are Iliac Bay vampires who share the same powers as a normal vampire, but also poss
Once one of the most feared vampire bloodlines on Vvardenfell, the Quarra were presumed extinct along with the Aundae and Berne after the eruption of Red Mountain in 4E 5. This was mostly true, as vampire attacks on the island virtually ceased after
This build came about as the result of two observations. One, there’s a lack of builds that have you roleplay a champion of the Azura/Boethiah/Mephala Tribunal (also known as the Reclamations), and two, I haven’t pla
The Order of Diagna is one of the many knightly orders in the Hammerfell area, and was chiefly involved in the invasion of Orsinium, which lasted for thirty years. The leader of the order, Gaiden Shinji, was killed during the si
Plenty of builds utilize daggers, but almost all the ones that do either use them for sneak attacks with Assassin’s Blade or dual-wield them. The Dagger Duelist does neither, opting for skillful usage of a single dagger in melee c
Controversial. Corrupt. Powerful. All these describe the mythical squad of elite battlemages known as the Shadow Legion. Balancing a dangerous edge of corruption, the few Imperial Battlemages who train and eventually ascend to the unit seem almo
This is a build based on a personal concept of a Dark Elf House. One thing I always try to do with character concepts is to break the mold of what is considered atypical of them in regard to their culture and or race. At the same time, this
A woman who was a leader of the Vigilants of Stendarr, she made a commitment to the Daedric Prince Meridia and was kicked out of the Vigil because of it. The Keeper is an expert with One-handed weapons as well as an expert in the arts of the shield
While I've been away for a long time, the only thing I can say is that university is a bigger time-suck than tumblr, Skyrim, and the Steam Summer Sale all put together, but it's all for a good cause.
Every witchhunter's got a sob story, some traumatic event or events to make them who they are. This one is no different. Only thing is, he can't remember it. The Mages took even that from him. He might've been a soldier, a sellsword, even a common cu
All mods are available for Skyrim Special Edition. They were chosen specifically for Xbox One, but you should be able to get pretty much all of them for PC if you have Special Edition. Here are the mods you must hav
I've seen a few different Alik'r builds on the internet, but most of them, my own Desert Spellsword included, seem to rely a good bit on magic. Conversely, the Alik’r seen ingame don’t use magic at all in combat (though you get to
My breath quickened as I chased through the woods after a troll. Stupid creature.
"No use in running," I whispered to myself. "Slow down, idiot beast. I'll have your head either way." My fingers tightened around the end of my arrow as the troll stopp
There have been a few builds made for Skyrim that have utilized a set of self-enchanted weapons solely for their enchanting effects. This build is in the same vein as them, but notably differs in using what I believe to be the ultimate
Baan Dar, The Legend...Thief, Warlock, Shadowmaster, Ruthless Assassin, Undying Avenger, Dark God, Robber Baron, Mastermind of Nefarious Plots. All these things and more are the Legendary Baan Dar, he who is called The Bandit God; but what is the Tru