This is the second installment in a series of short stories following the NPCs of our ongoing roleplaying campaign, The Dragon's Dozen. More to come soon!
Decades after the Dragon Crisis- after Miraak’s Cult was vanquished, after the Civil War was ended, after the Eye of Magnus shut and the Dovahkiin himself fell to an unknown assassin’s dagger- Skyrim exists in a facade of peace. Talos is
Here are potential writing ideas for May of 2020. Those wishing to submit their writing may tag it with “writingpromptsmay2020” to have it archived and found more easily. Not ev
“Serana!” the distant, muffled cry met the vampire's ears just a moment too late. The soft hissing of the Elven arrow accompanied the warning, giving the woman only a second to raise her arm in hopes to protect her more valuable organs. The shot- whi
The ivory world was tinted in a brilliant shade of blue. The sun had not yet risen over the mountaintops, but whispers of its light surrounded the landscape in a cerulean hue. The blizzard deposited inches of the fluff on ever
I greatly misjudged the time it would take us to reach the border of Skyrim. Even with our support, Hirendor wasn't able to move fast at all. I personally didn't mind it too much, as it gave us ample opportunity to talk, but h
Valentine's Day is upon us once again. For some, it's a time to show that special someone you care. For others, it's just another day of work, sleep, game, repeat. (It's okay, buddy. I'm right there with you.)
“Ladies and Gentlemen, Men and Mer, may I have your attention!” the lord of the manor announced over the chatter of the main hall. Standing on the small stage erected for just that occasion, he quickly caught t
I’ve had a lot of people reach out to me with questions about writing over the past recent months. One recurring question that I think all writers deal with is “Where should I begin?” We’ve all been to that awful place: we have inspiration
His eyes couldn't help but linger on me it seemed. Walking from the fire, I could feel his gaze bore into my back like the hottest of flames. When I returned with kindling, I found myself staring right into those brown an
This is a short story I have been working on for a few days. This tale takes place in a universe of my own so feel free to ask questions if you have any. There are some graphic depictions of events in this story, so use discretion when read
There were just over 15 species of dragon I had discovered, ranging from the violent Ebony Nightwing to the more docile Stonehorn. Dozens of the beasts found their way to me after Alduin's defeat, submitting themselves to m
As I replay Skyrim- many, many times- I often find myself daydreaming about what I would like to change. Don't get me wrong; Skyrim is a wonderful, beautifully glitchy game, but I like to imagine how different it would be if some of my head