Kendrix Trixie's Discussions (66)

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The Dragon's Dozen: Campaign Overview

Skyrim, 4e225

Decades after the Dragon Crisis- after Miraak’s Cult was vanquished, after the Civil War was ended, after the Eye of Magnus shut and the Dovahkiin himself fell to an unknown assassin’s dagger- Skyrim exists in a facade of peace. Talos is

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Writing Prompts: May 2020

“Writing Prompts: May 2020” 

("Viking Family Portrait" by Myron Sahlberg) 

Here are potential writing ideas for May of 2020. Those wishing to submit their writing may tag it with “writingpromptsmay2020” to have it archived and found more easily. Not ev

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Character Build: The Harlequin


(For suggested build music, click here.)

“Ladies and Gentlemen, Men and Mer, may I have your attention!” the lord of the manor announced over the chatter of the main hall. Standing on the small stage erected for just that occasion, he quickly caught t

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Writing Prompts Introduction

Hey y’all!

I’ve had a lot of people reach out to me with questions about writing over the past recent months. One recurring question that I think all writers deal with is “Where should I begin?” We’ve all been to that awful place: we have inspiration

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The Queen

Hey y'all!

This is a short story I have been working on for a few days. This tale takes place in a universe of my own so feel free to ask questions if you have any. There are some graphic depictions of events in this story, so use discretion when read

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