Welcome to the General Discussion Group. This is a catch-all group for any kind of discussion whether is has anything to do with elder scrolls, fallout, or video games in general or not. Discuss whatever you want here, but please observe our ground rules.
1. You can discuss (almost) anything, but please respect everyone! Do not "bash" other people's beliefs or views, and do not be disrespectful. If we see misconduct here, you will be removed from the group.
2. No discussion related to pornography, pirating, or anything that violates Ning's Terms of Service are permitted here.
3. Racist, sexist, homophobic remarks are not allowed at any time.
With that being said, post away and have fun!
Been doing some artwork in between gaming.
Writing story concepts for builds.
I'm teaching myself to code most of the time when I'm not gaming.
Usually painting miniatures.
Mountain biking mostly when I'm free.
I like to read, light novels, books, comics, manga, etc, Otherwise I watch anime or the like
I'll often be writing or reading, going out with friends on hikes, and doing D&D
Tabletop gaming! I love miniatures and skirmish wargames. When the pandemic broke out I discovered some unique miniature games that could be played with any miniatures in your collection. On top of that they had some light RPG mechanics and it's been a huge discovery that has been costing me money as I buy more minis, terrain, and collect all the books.
Sounds awesome. What are some specific ones you play? I've been looking to try some out recently. There's one Star Wars one I was considering buying ...
I play Heroclix and until the last rules changes, Warmachine/Hordes.
I highly recommend looking into Rangers of Shadow Deep, a solo/co-op RPG lite game. By the same author are the competitive games Frostgrave and Ghost Archipelago. Again, those two have some great campaign rules and are incredibly fun. With any of those 3 you can use whatever fantasy miniatures you might already have. Hell, I even use some of my super hero stuff.
Now, I don't play the Star Wars mini games but I do have a lot of friends that play X-Wing and it is very popular. I've considered it, but with the amount of collecting and playing I already do it isn't financially feasible for me. (As an aside there is a sale at miniaturemarket.com on several of those pieces with very deep discounts until June 4th) I can't atest to anythimg about Star Wars Legion but it looks interesting. If it was prepainted I'd be more interested.