breton (48)

Modded Character Build: The Tainted

                                  𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕿𝖆𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖉



My name is Isilrun.  I am known as the Tainted.  I was born a Breton, just off the coast of High Rock.  I was the original Aedric Knight, before being outcast

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4 Replies · Reply by JazzfortheSoul Aug 30, 2023

Event Build - The Void Maiden

10171311480?profile=RESIZE_710xA Conjuration/Battlemage experience

For those of you who aren’t fond of big reads or prefer the gameplay driven details. I’ll post a condensed version at the bottom outlining gameplay beats and what to expect while playing the Void Maiden


"And may

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6 Replies · Reply by nystee Apr 13, 2022

Character Build: The Skystrider




"Everythin' alright in there milady ?" Tedric asked from the other side of the door, as he'd heard a scream coming from princess Ariane's chambers.

"Yes, thank you, Tedric. You may come in."

Tedric was hesitant at first at the idea - he had known La

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20 Replies · Reply by vorisek Jul 3, 2022

Character Build: Warduke

I’ve always enjoyed the amazing characters for Skyrim that have been created over the years. They have brought me a great deal of entertainment and inspiration. So much so that I finally decided to sit down and jot down my own character creation. Wha

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2 Replies · Reply by Acroyear Aug 13, 2020

Character Build: The Sorceress

Surprise! After what has seem like forever, I finally got the chance to return to Skyrim and finish a build that has been laying around for months now. This is a twist on my favorite class in The Elder Scrolls universe: the Sorcerer. Because of some

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2 Replies · Reply by Saronis Apr 13, 2020

Contest Build: The Lamp Descendant

While it might have been over 5(!) years since I posted my last build, the announcement of the Back to Basics contest inspired me to dust off one of my old ideas, where the journey is just as important as the destination, and dive headfirst back into

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49 Replies · Reply by Ponty Jun 20, 2022

Contest Build: The Inventor


Race: Breton for the magic resistance as you can’t cast magic without alike help, more on that later.
Stone: The Steed stone as you are going to carry lots of equipment with you everywhere that you go.
Stats: 0 Magicka, 1 Health, 1 Stamina. You ca

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12 Replies · Reply by Alchemist Mar 10, 2020

Contest Build: The Chimera



~A Path Paved by Blood~

4E 176: As the last light of Magnus fell behind the mountains’ peaks, utterly swallowed by Nirn’s horizon, blazing beacons lit throughout the stone citadel, Markarth. Silently, a silhouette rose before the grandest pyre, wh

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26 Replies · Reply by Ramses the Rad Mar 8, 2022

Character Build: The Paladin

'Sup all? Since I really enjoyed my last remastered FudgeMuppet build playthrough, I decided I’d keep going. My strategy that I explained in my Arcane Warrior build for getting myself to play Skyrim simply for enjoyment seems to have worked! Once aga

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17 Replies · Reply by hellboychess Feb 4, 2021