warlock (13)

The Eldritch Dreamer


His life was not easy. Unfortunate twist has robbed the boy of many things one would find “normal” for someone his age. Death, sickness, destitution and nightmares, especially the nightmares… Well, at least, he had his imagination to soothe him.


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Event Build - The Void Maiden

10171311480?profile=RESIZE_710xA Conjuration/Battlemage experience

For those of you who aren’t fond of big reads or prefer the gameplay driven details. I’ll post a condensed version at the bottom outlining gameplay beats and what to expect while playing the Void Maiden


"And may

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6 Replies · Reply by nystee Apr 13, 2022

Contest Build: The Chimera



~A Path Paved by Blood~

4E 176: As the last light of Magnus fell behind the mountains’ peaks, utterly swallowed by Nirn’s horizon, blazing beacons lit throughout the stone citadel, Markarth. Silently, a silhouette rose before the grandest pyre, wh

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26 Replies · Reply by Ramses the Rad Mar 8, 2022

Character Build: The Maleficar

It's been awhile since I’ve put together a full fledged mage build, and given the huge success of the Force Adept build over the years, I’ve been eager to explore new ways to subvert the limits of Magick.

Disclaimer: This build requires the perk over

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45 Replies · Reply by Curse Mar 4, 2020