For this build I wanted to create a character that could combine stealth and magic in a unique, perhaps never before seen fashion. What I ended up with was an amazingly effective decoy and ambush specialist. I proudly present...
'Sup all? Since I really enjoyed my last remastered FudgeMuppet build playthrough, I decided I’d keep going. My strategy that I explained in my Arcane Warrior build for getting myself to play Skyrim simply for enjoyment seems to have worked! Once aga
"You know, I didn't come to this Gods-forsaken freezing wasteland out of choice, pal. It's just the only province left where guards won't shoot me on sight... Yet. Funny that I gave fifteen years of my life
Something I've been thinking about after Dawnguard is why 95% of Vampires are always the bad guys. What if there was a good Vampire with a bit of a darker side? Wouldn't that be great for RP? The rest of the base mechanics came from some other ideas
Brief Description: A bosmer werewolf archer that is traveling to skyrim to wipe out all dragons and whoever is raising them with his mastery of the bow, poisons, and his power over nature. But still there are other enemies he must deal with while he
Greetings one and all to what was my second build for a CB Event, Songs of the North, on the Vault, back in early 2018. While browsing through some old builds on Drive, I decided, fuck it, port this one.. Get ready for one crazy, war loving Altmer, g
This is my first attempt at posting a build of mine onto the Sky Forge, so do bare with me if the formatting is a bit rubbish. Here's a link to the video version of this build. Feel free to subscribe if you like what you see:
Well, my first DiD build. I built this guy as a defensible tank, in order to survive DiD for as long as possible, but still kept him able to be taken down if you aren’t careful. Welcome to....
In the aftermath of the fires of the Great War, one former soldier leaves his homeland content to leave war and politics behind him forever. Drifting aimlessly across Tamriel as a wandering sellsword in search of adversity, his
It’s been long time since I’ve played Skyrim, even longer since i’ve publicly posted a build. But here I am nonetheless. Having been refreshing my knowledge of The Elder Scrolls Lore (religions too) I noticed an announcement about this con
Hey guys, Nether here. Welcome to the first ever build I've posted. After a year of watching other members present some of their best work, I've finallly forced myself to join (and I don't regret it). What started out as a rough idea o
Hollowjack is the daedra Lord of Mortal Fears and ruler of the demi-plane Detritus. When men and mer pray to their gods for help or mercy, he drains power from their fear, with whispers through his long, sharp teeth. With his words, he strikes fear i
Greetings and salutations everypony, and welcome to my latest Skyrim build, my entry for the Gods and Mortals contest, and one of the few I’ve played via Survival Mode. While browsing through the Factions of Elder Scrolls on UESP, I came upon this in
Aetherial Crown? Nope. Aetherial Staff? NAY! Every time I see a build (I am guilty of this too) using the crown or staff, I always think "poor shield" and think to make a build based around it. Well, this is that build. As I will explain in the descr
Originally posted by Raidriar a longggggggggg time ago for a contest! Now, have it again!
Grr, two hours late! Can this still be allowed? My internet has been playing up, and Tae's just been moving house, so we've had a bit of difficulty pushing t
The nightmares plaguing this land--the undead, the vampires, the Daedra--they are rage. Brutal, without mercy. But he... he is worse. He alone can stand before the horde. His rage is their terror, and his might... their DOOM...
We are an old order, older than the modern Empire even. We were created by a sect of the Alessian Order, as a secret weapon. Our blood would be infused with vampiric and lycan blood, and our eyes replaced with those of daedra. This process gave us e