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Ordinator Builds

hello people!

Just wondering what unique and interesting ordinator playstyles people have. i personally like playing block heavy playstyles with the addition of ordinators "timed block", im especially drawn to sneak-illusion as well. my favourite weapon type to use whilst playing a block build is dagger, especially valdr's lucky dagger as of the chance of a critical attack.


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  • Hey mate, we've got a fair few of Ordinator Builds, such as:

    The Maleficar: Think Blood Mage, in Ordinator, with a few twists - By Curse

    The Alchemist's Apothesis: An Alchemist who in a sense, becomes a Divine/God (no glitches here - By Blackblood

    The Witch With No Face: A Spellsword who heavily uses debuffs - By me

    And lots, lots more. I personally have a few, that I'm making right now - one for the Pirate Contest. Even one I just thought of using Slow Time and War Axes.

    You can see other Ordinator Builds here


    Character Build: The Maleficar
    It's been awhile since I’ve put together a full fledged mage build, and given the huge success of the Force Adept build over the years, I’ve been eag…
    • Bless you both for the plugs. :3

    • Thank you! I'll make sure to take a deeper look into all of them

  • I have done several melee-based builds with Ordiantor (and other Enai mods). 

    The Warden - A stamina-based Knight with strategic combat centered on resource management, and awesome name-and-claim point control potential.

    The Raider - A melee-based viking character with the power of the Thu'um enhancing his combat. Focus on high damage output. 

    The Kensei - Samurai warrior with a combo and chain based playstyle the emphasizes skilled duelist gameplay and capitalizes on power attack bonuses from the Two-Handed Ordinator tree.

    There are a ton of other quality Ordinator builds too.

    The Butcher - Think maniac psycho mass-murderer that uses Illusion perks from Ordinator to strik fear into the hearts of his enemies. 

    The Witch Arrow - Bosmer with very interseting roleplaying and awesome fast-paced archer combat with the potential to deal high damage and use nature to her best advantage.

    The Danver of Two Moons - This Khajiit has a truly awesome combat style based on traditional martial arts, employing perfect synergy between movement and skilled timed attacking. Functions as a "stance switcher" in that he can use two styles of combat: unarmed and quarterstaff, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. A high skill build but worth a play for sure.

    There are plenty more but beyond my own stuff I linked, those last three are some of my favorites on the Forge.

    Character Build: The Warden
    As with most of my builds, this one requires several mods to work at its peak. You will need the following mods, all of which are available on both t…
    • Thanks pixel! The kensei was one of the first builds I looked at, absolutely love it. All the rest are interesting in their own right as well, I'll make sure to have a bigger look at them all

  • Hey man I would reccomend you some but looks like the lads have gotten there first :) Those are all great builds there.

    I've got a few of my Own:

    The Reaver: A bloodthirsty high dps vampmiric warrior based off of the Reaver class from dragon age.

    The Shadow of Dawn:A sneaky Night Blade adept at hunting down the undead who can appear anywhere on the battlefield in the blink of an eye.

    The Stormrider: A Shield Wielding powerhouse who harness's various forms of lightning to smite his foes.

    The Witch Arrow: Pixel has already touched on this one of mine (Thanks dude). 

    There are plenty of epic builds on the site here so go nuts!!

    Character Build: The Reaver
    Foreword: As you may have guessed already by the name, this build is heavily inspired by the Reaver specialization from the Dragon Age Series and see…
    • Thank you so much, I absolutely love the dragon age games and was really interested in the reaver. Amazing job!

  • They've already posted the big ones, but if you're looking for a more unique approach, I really do recommend trying out marin's The Pale Mane - it combines a sneak thief with a stealth assassin and draws heavily from Ordinator and Wintersun.

    Character Build: The Pale Mane
    Hey guys, so this is my first attempt at a build, I guess. I hope I do a good job !!   These humans think themselves so superior to this one, no? Thi…
  • The Yandere by Kendrix Trixie is a must play. Literally nobody has ever thought of psychotic secret admirer as a roleplay device. And that’s what makes it such a brilliant build.


    Character Build: The Yandere
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I remember when I first saw you... Ah, how I longed to be that cold, spring breeze that ruffled your ruddy locks, or that gentle drizzle th…
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