The Plane of Mundus is home to our beloved Tamriel as well as many other continents that have yet to be explored. However, Mundus is not the only Plane of existence. The Daedric Realms or the Realm of Aetherius are well known in Tamrielic lore, but what if there were other Planes that have yet to be explored by any Tamrielic soul, living or dead? In this event, we explore entirely new concepts from entirely different fantastic series’ from worlds beyond that of the Elder Scrolls. Whether they be books, movies, TV series, or anything in between, there are countless other brilliantly crafted worlds with countless brilliantly crafted characters inside them waiting to be explored. Now, however, it's their turn to explore the land of Tamriel.
In this event, participants will be bringing a character from another of their most beloved worlds, whether fantasy in nature or otherwise, and translating that character into the world of The Elder Scrolls. There’s a catch though. These characters can’t simply be plucked from their own realm and dropped onto Tamriel. No, they need a full Elder Scrolls makeover if they’re going to journey through the lands of Skyrim. You’ll need to make everything about your character fit into the Elder Scrolls universe as seamlessly as possible, and you won’t be allowed to make any direct references to your character or their world until the very bitter end of your build. Otherwise, this is an event with unlimited possibilities in which you can fully bring two of your favorites worlds together.
With no more hesitation, let’s get straight into the rules for this event …
*You’ll have roughly a month and a half to complete your build for this event, which runs from February 1st - April 15th.
*You cannot make any direct references to who your character is based off of until the very closing remarks of your build. You can also choose to leave it entirely open for readers to guess.
*All normal Skyforge Character Building group rules apply.
Registration …
Simply leave a comment below that you would like to join; no additional information required.
Resources …
Character Build Turnoffs - A member of the Skyforge community, SkoomaDealer, posted a discussion not long ago talking about what people do not like to see in character builds. Check this out if you are interested to see the dos and don’ts of Skyrim character building.
Character Build Turnons - Another post from SkoomaDealer that you might find helpful
Ponty's Guide to Character Building - For people new to the concept of character building, or anyone who would like pointers, Ponty has offered an easy to follow guide on how to make a quality character build
Feel free to use any past builds on the Skyforge as references if you are new or just want to try a new style!
Participants ...
Chris Diokno - The Seraph of the End
Chris Diokno/Blackblood - The Falmernehter
Lee Fiskillis/Chris Diokno - The Ironclad Tundrastrider
Kendrix Trixie - The Lord of the Elements
Fimvul -
Curse & Ben W - The Deathknights
Tai-Rai -
Lordin the Great -
Lee Fiskillis - The Witch With No Face
Legendary Dragon Slayer -
Belisaurus - The Elden Grove Guardian
Percival - The Vampire Killer
Marin the Fox -
Heemi -
Achloryn - The Winter's Herald
Fimvul/Marin the Fox -
Cyclone09 - The Demon Hunter
XxBloodKnightxX -
Ramses - Blackmane the Barbarian
Given how well your first build was received I can’t wait to see what you come up with.
Count me in.
Very pleased with the amount of participants. If you guys have any friends you think might like to be involved, be sure to let them know. Thanks to everyone who has registered so far. Looking forward to some really great builds. Best of luck to you all!
Hey can I submit a second application? MarinTheFox and I are going to do a collab for this event if that's okay?
Sure go right ahead.
Just to clarify is this going to be Marin's second build for the event as well, or is this collab her only submission? Because she signed up before, I just want to know if she's doing a solo and the collab or just the collab.
To my understanding, she's going to submit her 7-in-1 Aes Sedai build for the Event but we're going to collab for one on top of that.
We're still brainstorming what to do for the build. We've tossed around Arthas Menethil > The Lich King/Scourge Lord from WoW, but I personally feel that one is overplayed. We've got a couple other ideas cooking up.
But yes, she is doing two submissions, one by herself, one as a collab with me
I've flaked out on a couple of these before, but i'm definitely going to submit something this year. I haven't decided who, just yet, but I have a few ideas percolating in my head.
Probably worth noting, that both myself and Chris Diokno are doing a collab for Crossworlds together. That and I myself have a second (and fingers crossed a third) build for Crossworlds