A scoundrel of the finer sort, the potioneer developps concotions to steal, raid and plunder. His natural ability for magic and years of living in the underbelly of the docks forced him to compensate h
For those of you who aren’t fond of big reads or prefer the gameplay driven details. I’ll post a condensed version at the bottom outlining gameplay beats and what to expect while playing the Void Maiden
Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality. I have found that those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night. I am not insane, except upon o
Hey everyone. I present to you my first Event build on the Skyforge. Now I usually don't like Supporting Characters due to the over reliance of AI doing all the hard work while my character just sits back casting the same spell over and over. Its qui
''Warriors take the field, the battlefield of life. You cannot run, you cannot hide. I am the keeper of the laws, decided by the Gods. Only one of us will win, and return to fight again. Our ancestors cheer from far beyon
"She came to me that night as I lay rotting in the swamps, the hackwings circling above. Her words were the maggots eating away dead flesh from my wounds, the pus forming to fight my infection. She spoke the truths I was too afraid to see.
Hello this is my first build here , this build is one i made because i love reading so this is based on books , the dark librarian is a breton vampire it is kinda like a monk that uses illusion , sneak , alteration and restoration as the main skills
Magic? Gods? Who needs them? What is a god against the overwhelming power of space and time?
NOTE:This build requires several mods, some of them for the build itself, some of them for powerful artifacts and other equipment, some of them to balance
A character build is more than text on a screen. It has to inspire people to take what you've written - your idea, your concept - and do something with it. That can mean playing it, giving them ideas for their own unique build, or showing a friend.
4E 176: As the last light of Magnus fell behind the mountains’ peaks, utterly swallowed by Nirn’s horizon, blazing beacons lit throughout the stone citadel, Markarth. Silently, a silhouette rose before the grandest pyre, wh
Alska couldn't remember the last time she had felt the warmth of the sun, seen the light of day. How long had it been, she wondered, since the elves of black and gold had come to her, in the wilderness, asking all of these questions she had no ans
Founded during the First Era by an Altmer Magic Archer named Hinille Macile. During that time, he took on several missions that would see him to glory in High Rock. He was a member of the Direnni Dynasty who would go on missions for
This build is a collaboration between Curse Never Dying. Shin Jin, and Lozhar
~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~: ~ Just as the roots of the Hist are all interconnected, so also are all living things—the suffering of one sends out ripp
This build is my last roleplaying take on the Redguard race, which is probably my favorite race in the series. I got some of the inspiration from the movie The Count of Monte Cristo. Edmond spares Jacopo's life, who the captain of the ship says is "t
This build is my own original work, which was first posted on the site SkyrimCalculator, and was discovered by Curse Never Dying and Blacklight who first convinced me to join this site and bring my ideas here. Many thanks to them and to you for takin
The Fireheart Raider is a restless adventurer and a cunning fighter, combining their skills with ordinary hand weapons, and simple but effective magic, to carve their way into the pages of history as they search far and wide for a foe who can finally
FOREWORD: As based on the build’s title itself, this character is inspired by the Dragon Age’s heroine, Leliana, which in the Dragon Age Inquisition’s version where she becomes a full-time spymaster. But their main similarity lies in their skills, p
To continue the Necromage trend where the Mirage left off, I thought I'd post the White Walker next. It's a slightly updated version - Two Handed has been changed to One Handed for efficiency, and I've changed the armour around, but other than that i
This build represents the Paladin, a holy warrior who praises the Nine Divines. He wields a mighty sword and shield, and is clad in plate armor. He destroys all undeads, who are a threat to the living. He respects the dead as much as the living, and
Hello everyone, I finally after a long time banging my head against a wall, I managed to think of a build, first of all, this build is just fun, because it's very weak, well that's it, hope you like it!