The Thalmor Justiciars are a special group within the Thalmor charged with enforcing the White-Gold Concordat, the ban on Talos worship in particular. Of course, Skyrim is chock-full of people who think that the Ninth Divine is
"I surprisingly have even more aspects of the game I have yet to explore." That is how this build was born. I wanted to try a race I have never tried, the Bosmer, an overlooked stone: The Tower, and also try something new to me: NO CRAFTING. Yes! Wha
Much like my Hand of Almalexia build, this is another ancient Dunmer knightly order, but instead of devoted to the Tribunal Goddess of Mercy, they are instead devoted to everyone's favourite self-quoting Warrior-Poet, Vivec. With the usual heavy h
Born to nobodies who abandoned him as a babe, the Steel Dragon was raised in an orphanage and had to push to achieve anything in his short life. When he reached of age, he joined the Legion and was inducted into their ranks as a footman. Bit by b
If you’re reading this and don’t already know why you’re here, this build is a collaboration between myself, Teccam, and SkallyV, and our entry for the latest building contest. We chose Falkreath for our hold, as will — we hope — be made clear as you
After talking with Albino, we had realized that we had both been working on a build based around being a Shezarrine for months. At first we thought we should collaborate on this, but instead we chose something else. We have decided to present our She
The power of the Voice is capable of utilizing the effects of several different skills (Destruction’s fire damage, Illusion’s fear, etc) to the point where it could be relied upon as its own skillset if it weren’t for the limitations o
“Rest in peace?” There is no peace for Falkreath’s fallen, for we know! The petty border skirmishes in which we selflessly fought and died throughout the ages were pointless. Nor will Falkreath’s living grant us the peace we crave. We have become a r
When true cats die, their souls are lifted by Khenarthi and flown to the Sands Behind the Stars, to play and prey until the Next Pounce. When bent cats die, their souls are dragged down by Namiira into
Their organization has no name. All that is known about them is that they split off from the Vigil of Stendarr in the early Fourth Era due to their heretical method used to combat daedra, vampires, and other abominations. Said method was to infuse a
Few people alive today know of the secrets of the Bosmer, of their ancient rituals and disturbing legends. Able to shift from man to beast and never able to return, the tale of the Wild Hunt is a deadly and dangerous story for the Bosmer. Very f
"Lord Red Eagle, ancient one, first and foremost among Reachmen, heed the call of your people! Still we fight for freedom! Still our blades are dark with blood! Turn your gaze upon us, and grant us your blessing anew!" - Red Eagle's Rite
Body is weary. The road has been long. But there is life in these old hands yet...
Hammer is heavier than it used to be, not like the early years. Hammer remembers many faces, the bones broken, the skulls crushed, the blood sprayed. Pain radiates th
This is an old build from 2012, though overhauled dramatically in 2015. I thought the original was broken, though I've since learned it was not -- however, I still think the overhaul is a massive improvement. This character is immensely satisfying an
After a short case of builders block, I’m back with another build. After grasping for ideas, and getting distracted by playing some of the awesome builds on here, Phil inspired me to
After going for a heavy warrior-archer build and a heavy sneak build, I wanted my crack at a heavy mage based build. Reading lore is always fun, and after learning about the Mythic Dawn, I also came across my inspiration for this build I am currently
Saggs is a gray fifty year old Khajiit woman that is very rude and saggy (obviously) this is my first build and my English isn't that good. Hope it isn't too terrible.
saggs was born in the imperial city with two parents that really wanted a child b