Been awhile, but it feels good to get back to creating. I want to first thank Zimbu yet again for the awesome screenshots to capture the character concept. This character was inspired awhile ago when trying to create a traditional Redguard type, but
Builder's Note: Regarding the contest, it is currently 12am Australian Eastern Standard Time so this build may one of the first ones up due to commitments I have tomorrow and as of now we are unaware of any conditions regarding tags and build names.
Hello guys! I wanted to experiment with presentation for this build, just so you know. I wanted to play a sorcerer build, as it is my favorite kind of character to play, but I had already had a build that focused on Destruction, Conjuration, Alterati
Merry Christmas and a happy holiday season. Welcome to my entry to the Secret Santa Event. I was assigned FordFalcon’s Santa Claws build. The idea recommended an Unarmed Khajiit. Without further adieu, here’s my holiday event build.
Happy holidays & Merry Christmas everyone! Here's my build for this month's event. This was Lee Fiskillis idea, albeit more dark and twisted version of his idea, but... I like darker builds... so, hope I did ya proud, buddy.
Greetings and salutations everypony, to my latest build, my contribution to the lovely Secret Santa Build Event, and, as he was the name I was assigned, a gift for Ramses. Merry Christmas dude! Ramses wanted a build based on theKrampus, so give a da
I tried my best to recreate Jon Snow in Skyrim as a build. The mods I used are Ordinator, Andromeda and Imperious from Enairim. Soon, I will be uploading this to my youtube channel as well. Enjoy :)
Hey guys, this is my first post here on the blog! After lurking for a long time I finally made an account so I could post my "first build," but I wasn't really pleased with it so I tried again. After 4-5 planned "first builds" I finally cre
Disclaimer: While a lot of the lore behind this build is real, there is a healthy chunk (such as the Fangs themselves) which is of my own creation, and I blend what is canon and what is my head-canon, as this is the standard character I play with a K
One of the more known non-playable races of Tamriel are the Maormer, a race of elves adapted for life at the tropical seas and famous for their unique Snake Magic. I was very tempted to use alchemy to emulate Snake Magic, but instead, ended up with a
Having never really delved into a truly evil build (Mythic Dawn is pretty evil though) that incorporates raising the dead, I wanted to give it a go. I also wanted to give it a go at a "pure" mage build that only wielded distance spells and did 100% n
Greetings and salutations everypony, and welcome to my first non-collab build for Crossworlds 2019! Welcome to an assassin of assassins, a heavily armored, yet still stealthy, juggernaut. Welcome to…
Before the war the Reverend was a nomadic priest who traveled along from town to town all over tamriel teaching of the ways of stendarr. Until the war. Suddenly the once bustling towns and villages were silent as more and more children begged on the
The Khajiit mind is not engineered for self-reflection. We simply do what we do, and let the world be damned. To put into words and rationalize our philosophy is foreign, and I cannot guarantee that even after reading this, you will understand us. Gr
Greetings and salutations my fellow Skyrimmers, to my entry into the latest Flash Event: Elevated Origins. Now, I'm sure you've seen them countless times while dungeon crawling in any (J)RPG. You're low on potions and poisons, you've got a shit ton o
The wordprogenitorrefers to an ancient ancestor, an archetypal origin figure. It is roughly synonymous withforebear, a word with some notable ties to the Elder Scrolls world, the most relevant of which for this build's purposes is that it’s used b
This is going to be my entry for the Crossworld's event. I'm putting it up here for a bit of feedback, but also to help with the formatting and such. So feel free to let me have it. I give to you:
Once a simple soldier, you were transformed after d
The Pirate Queen was once an infamous scourge of the seas until the Imperial Navy finally caught up to her and her crew. The Imperials killed everyone and thought they killed the infamous queen. But they were wrong. Now, land lock