The Grystal's ally is a wood elf archer who has come into skyrim for one thing, rare crimson nirnroot, The Grystal's ally needs the crimson nirnroot in order to feed his slowly dying bear ally named Grystal, he is called grystal because he has a crys
The Doth (The Do-er) is a Redguard who travelled to Rorikstead, the reason he travelled to Rorikstead is to look to Lokir, Lokir was going to Hammerfell because he owed the Implier money for a supply of moon sugar. The spirits of his foes help in the
The Rattler is a male nord specialising in block and one handed. You can either use vanilla skill tree or ordinator. When you first start, use your skill points on block in order to become a tank
Hey everyone. We're looking for some feedback as to potential competetive build events on the Skyforge. Of course that wouldn't mean our normal events would go away, we're just trying to gauge interest in this idea. So let's have your feedback, if yo
Hey guys, I want to start off saying, Merry Xmas and happy holidays! Welcome to my build for the Secret Santa Event (2018). This time, I was assigned, Ayslephs' idea which was 'Saint Alessia. Without further delays, I am happy to present my Build:
Hey guys, welcome to my second installment of the KoTN series. This time, I had focused upon the Dunmer. I found the Dunmer quite interesting in the way, they deal with their dead - instead of burying them like most races, they burn them to ashes. In
One thing I realized after playing several mobile acrobat builds is how important the environment is, be it for a fight or a trek through the lands. However, the player normally has to fit their actions in accordance to the unchanging terrain. Let’s
This build has been in my mind for a long time. I’ve always wanted to create a Death Knight character, but I felt it was so overdone and that I couldn’t come up with any way to make it unique. It always came out bland
This build has been a long time coming. Kaiser and I first conceived this baby nearly a year ago, at the dawn of the "Classes" Character Building Event. After all manner of distractions, we finally buckled down and got it done.
Hello all. Welcome to a build I have been very excited to bring you. This build is your quintessential hero. He draws inspiration from the Greek heroes of old, one in particular. Enjoy!!
They say the stories of great men and women and preserved in the
Greetings all. Welcome to my spooky build for the equally spooky month of October. This is based off of the mighty warrior of night called the Grim Reaper. This build draws on aspects from all different forms of Death, from the mystical Horseman of t
On the mysterious island of Artaeum, the Psijic Monks reside. Powerful practitioners of magic, they safeguard the magic from those that would misuse it and swear to never interfere with the world unless absolutely necessary. Some sa
Well this would be my second build for an event, so first, off I want to give credit to PC Outcast for the Ordinator Scout and witch hunter builds, Kaiser for being my partner for this and the Skyforge for hosting it.
Hey guys! When I heard about the Halloween Mini Build Event, I wanted to join and create my own character, however, I was (and still am) confused about Halloween as I've never celebrated. Hell, thinking of a build that is both unique and worthy of be
Welcome, everypony, to my latest build! Now, it has come to my attention that too many Nords I’ve played are the atypical honorbound warrior who believes in Talos and whatnot. Well, with this, I wanted to play a more brutal Nord, one that would be at
Hey guys, its been awhile. I have been gone for a long time due to reasons. A while ago, I came across a book found in Skyrim by the name 'The Third Door' and wanted to recreate the main character or at least a descendant of the character, while crea
Long, long ago, on a website ever so far away, there was one character build which used a mere two skills, a single shout, and a paragraph-length role-play guideline. As minimal as that might seem, it was a fully playable build complete by level 25,
My first ever build -- and still one of my favorites! The Loup-Garou was one of the first werewolf builds to grace the group, and the very first to capitalize on many treats granted by the new (at the time) Dawnguard DLC. This character offers a perf